540 Oak Project Harvest Starts Tomorrow 8/4

Updated on: 08/20/2021 - 13:21


540 Oak Project Harvest Starts Tomorrow 8/4

Approximate Closure Duration:  6 weeks
Closed Roads:  Portions of 540
Closed Trails:   Calloway 540/547 Connector Trail, portions of Calloway Creek Trail, No Calloway Cr. hiking loop access. No equestrian access from the 547 to the 540 road.
Haul Routes:  540 Road-540 Gate, Highway 99W
Detours: 540-547 Connector Trail, portions of Calloway Creek Trail
Size: 15 ac Harvest Method:   Cut-to-length: ground-based harvester/forwarder
Prescription:  Oak restoration: removal of younger conifers and retention of oaks, ash, and older conifers
Reason for Harvest:  Many trees in this stand are dead and dying from drought, pose safety risks along roads and trails and increased fire danger.  Older oaks and ash in this stand are being out-competed by younger conifers.  This  restoration will remove competition, allowing the oak, ash, and older conifer trees to survive. The area will also serve as a fuel break for the Calloway Creek neighborhood (to the east) and demonstrate an oak/ash restoration project in the Willamette Valley. An interpretive display is planned.
Stand Age:  31-80
Additional Considerations:  Harvest is being designed to minimize visual impacts from the trail.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes. The oaks in this area were identified as a high priority for release in the 2008 Legacy Oak Task Force Report.
Click here for a map of the 540 Oak Project Harvest area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Other harvest information:

The Dunn 100 CC & Dunn 190 CC have been completed and all closures have been lifted.