Bingo VRRH Harvest Starting Tomorrow Wednesday, 10/22

Posted 10/21/2020 Bingo VRRH Harvest Starting Wednesday, 10/22

Bingo VRRH Harvest Information
Approximate Closure Duration: 3 weeks
Closed Roads:  Portions of the 600, 630, and 640 Roads
Closed Trails:  None.  Enjoy the new Bombs Away Trail as a detour around the harvest closure.
Haul Routes:  600 Road to Lewisburg Saddle.
Detours:  Bombs Away Trail
Size:  8.7 ac
Harvest Method:  Ground-based
Prescription:  Variable Retention Regeneration Harvest (VRRH):  approximately 11.5 trees/acre retained in a variable retention pattern. Replanting planned for 2022 with a mix of tree species (demonstration).                                                                               
Reason for Harvest:  Many trees in the stand are dead or dying from ice storm damage, drought, or insects, posing safety risks along roads and trails and increasing fuel loads.  Variable Retention Regeneration Harvest VRRH allows managers to remove declining trees while retaining structural diversity, part of the forest theme for this area. This exposed ridgetop will be replanted with a mix of resilient species.
Stand Age: 73 - 75 
Additional Considerations: Approximately 11.5 trees per acre will be left in the stand, exceeding requirements of Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA). Harvest was designed with uneven boundaries, carefully placed trees within the unit, and trees left along the roadside to retain shade and reduce impacts on aesthetics.                                                                                                               
Consistent w/ McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan? Exception granted by the FEC:

View map of closure area.