Fletching Harvest Begins August 21st

The Fletching Harvest begins today, August 21st. 

Harvest Information: 

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: Closure of the 545
Closed Trails: Portions of Bonzai Trail
Haul Route: 540 Road to 540 Gate
Parking: Reduced Parking at the 540 gate to accommodate hauling of long poles
Detours: None
Size: 19.3 acres     
Harvest Method: Ground Based
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  72
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes

Map of the Fletching closure area
Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.