Recreation Use Advisory Lifted for Cronemiller Lake

The recreational use advisory has been lifted for Cronemiller Lake, but Oregon Heath Authority (OHA) advises dog owners to be alert to signs of cyanobacteria blooms.

OHA lifted the advisory based on sampling that confirmed levels of cyanotoxins in Cronemiller Lake to be below recreational guideline values for people. Although the levels detected are below the recreational use values for people, they continue to be above OHA’s educational guideline values for dogs.

Dog owners should be aware of the potential exposure to their pets while at the lake, especially in shallow, marshy areas where cyanobacteria blooms can form. Cyanobacteria can be present on green algae, growing from the sediment or on rocks.

Read the full press release here:

OSU Research Forest will keep dog safety signage posted around Cronemiller Lake to raise awareness about the risk. Enjoy the Forest and stay safe out there!