How Do I Inquire About Doing Research on the Research Forests?
The Research Forests is a great setting for doing field-based ecological and forest management focused research for College of Forestry faculty, students, and other researchers. Hundreds of studies have occurred on the forest since 1926.
The College of Forestry Research and Demonstration Forests are an ideal setting for field-based ecological and forest management focused research. We welcome you to submit a research proposal to join the hundreds of studies have occurred on the forests since 1926. To learn more about submitting a proposal, please fill out this form to get started.
Once you’ve submitted your request, the research forest director will review your proposal and respond within 5 business days to schedule a follow-up conversation. During this conversation, the forest director will clarify any details from your submission, discuss costs, if any, associated with the project, and review timing and safety protocols.
Thanks for your interest in conducting research on the forests!