College Forests Monthly Newsletter

Check out what happened in September, including the addition of our newest staff member, Karen DeWofle, and the Pacific Logging Congress' 8th Live In-Woods Show; and this month is bringing us information about dog waste on trails, a new georeferenced map, and other important updates, all in the October newsletter!

Ever wonder what managers think about when designing clear-cuts on the OSU Research Forests? Or where our cool interpretive signs come from? In the September newsletter we want to share with you what drives management decisions on the Forests we all love!

Get all your Forest updates in the August newsletter: This September, the Dunn Forest is honored to host the 2018 Live In-Woods Show presented by the Pacific Logging Congress; in order to keep the Arboretum safe for visitors and to reduce future maintenance costs, several dead and dying trees were felled to prevent the possibility of them falling on their own; and on Thursday, July 12th, family and friends, students and faculty said goodbye to Thomas Maness, our Dean of the College of Forestry since 2012.