Forest Updates


Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. Harvest areas are extremely dangerous for visitors and harvest crews, with hazards from falling trees and large equipment. Thank you for your respect of these safety closures! 

Harvest Closures Interactive Map

Previous Years' Harvest Info Sheets


Use caution on Lower Play Time Trail

A tree on the Lower Play Time trail fell during the recent storm which wiped out a section of trail. Please use this trail with extreme caution (walk around) while our partners at Team Dirt and Research Forest staff assess and scope the restoration effort. We posted signs along the trail to alert visitors to slow down and proceed with caution.

 See map and photo of hazard here.

Volunteer Opportunity! March 7th

Join the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) and Oregon State University (OSU) for volunteer opportunities at Jackson Meadow! IAE is seeking volunteers to help dig and pull Italian arum and other invasive species. Your efforts will directly contribute to the success of this restoration project.

When: Friday, March 7 between 9 am - 2 pm.

Where: Jackson Meadow in the McDonald Forest.

Bring: Water, lunch, waterproof rain gear.

Registration: Please RSVP to the event by emailing Evan Lasley (

More information about this volunteer event

More information about the Jackson Meadow Restoration Project

Saturday, March 1st: 5k/15k Trail Run

This Saturday is the McDonald Forest 5k/15k. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the McDonald Forest. More info.


Electric truck testing in McDonald-Dunn 1/27 - 1/31

Heads up! Starting Monday, January 27th an electric truck company will be field testing a freight truck on the McDonald-Dunn Forest:

  • Monday, Jan. 27th:  McDonald Forest 500/580 road system

  • Tuesday, Jan. 28th - Friday, Jan. 31: Dunn Forest

The testing crew is aware of the high recreational use and will have pilot cars to notify visitors and communicate with the truck driver. For the safety of visitors and the crew, remember to slow down and yield to vehicular traffic.

Applications are now open for Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt.

Applications for the Spring Turkey Hunt will be open through January 31st. Visit our Hunt Information webpage for more info and to apply!

Slash Pile Burning Beginning on McDonald Dunn

With the cooler, rainier days, OSU Research Forests will be beginning slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests.
Select slash, tree branches, tops, and unmerchantable portions of tree stems have been gathered into piles for burning. Some slash and coarse woody debris are also scattered throughout the harvest area for retention.
Piles are ignited during the fall and winter rainy seasons – typically October, November, and December. Piles are ignited during specific weather windows and under the approval of local fire and smoke managers.
Piles typically burn down to the ground in one day but will smolder for several weeks. Progress of this prescribed burning will be monitored by Research Forests staff.
Slash pile burning is a cost-effective way to perform wildfire hazard mitigation, reduce fuel-loading, and to prepare sites for restoration and tree planting.

Peavy Arboretum Now Open

Peavy Arboretum will be closed Friday AM (10/25/24)


Heads up! Peavy Arboretum will be temporarily closed this Friday morning 10/25/2024 for parking lot and road grading. We will send out a Forest Update as soon as the closures are lifted. 

870 Road Now Open

We completed work on the 870 road and it is open for your enjoyment.

400 Road Open

The student logging training program has paused operations on the CFIRP 7 unit. The 400 road is now open for your enjoyment. 

Dunn Forest any legal weapon deer hunt starts October 5th

Dunn Forest general any legal weapon deer hunt begins this Saturday, October 5th.

This hunt will last until November 8th with an extended youth weekend occurring on November 9th and 10th.

You may or may not see hunters while you are out in the Dunn Forest over the next month. Check out our newsletter article on hunter and non-hunter safety during hunting season.

Visit our hunt webpage to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest.

Condor 25k this Sunday 10/6

Condor 25k Trail Run this Sunday, October 6th!

The annual Condor 25k trail run is this Sunday, October 6th. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the eastern portion of the McDonald Forest this weekend.

For more information, including a map of the course, visit

Good Neighbor and Timberhill Harvests Complete

The Good Neighbor and Timberhill Harvests are now complete. The area has been reopened for your enjoyment.

Lower Dan's Trail is now open

Temporary Closure on Lower Dan's Trail starting 8/26

On 8/26 the lower portion of Dan's Trail will be closed for harvest operations. Staff will be stationed at the closure points. The closure should only last the day, and the section of trail will be reopened by Tuesday. Note that the other roads and trails currently closed for the Timberhill Harvest and Good Neighbor Harvest are and will remain closed for the duration the harvests. See map of closure area. 

870 Road Closure Beginning 8/26

A portion of the 870 road will be closed starting tomorrow, 8/26 for road work. See map of closure area.

Timberhill Harvest Beginning 8/22

The Timberhill Harvest will begin tomorrow, August 22nd

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads: Portions of the 612 road
Closed Trails: Quercus Trail Closed; portions of Lower Dan's Trail
Haul Route: 612 Road to 612 Jackson Creek Gate
Parking: No parking
Detours: None
Size: 24.7 acres             
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging
Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing with heavy fuel reduction along the property line to reduce ladder fuels
Reason for Harvest: The Timberhill project aims to promote older forest conditions in the long run through selective removal of trees. This thinning will help ensure remaining trees have less competition and more access to nutrients and light. The project also includes removal of vegetation near residential development to reduce wildfire hazard. Removal or thinning of dense understory vegetation helps reduce ladder fuels, which have the potential to carry fire from the ground to the crowns of trees in areas where trees crowns overlap. There is also a component of Oregon white oak restoration.
Stand Age:  69-81 years old
Last Harvested: 2002
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Additional Resources and Information:
More information & FAQ about recent harvests in the McDonald-Dunn
Map of closure area
Interactive harvest webmap

Woodpecker Harvest Complete

Harvest operations for the Woodpecker Harvest unit are completed and all closures lifted. Some road and minor trail work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain.  

Dead Man's Finger Harvest Complete as of 8/8/24

Updated on: 08/08/2024 - 14:44

Good Neighbor Harvest starts on August 8th.

Heads up! The Good Neighbor Harvest will start on August 8th.

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads: Portions of the 612 road; All of the 612.6, 612.62, & 612.64 roads
Closed Trails: Portions of Middle Dan’s
Haul Route: 612 Road to 612 Gate
Parking: No parking at Jackson Creek 612 Gate
Detours: 612 road to middle Dan's Connector
Size: 17.3 acres     
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging & Cable Logging
Prescription: 6 patch cuts of even-aged Douglas-fir totaling 17.3 acres. Selected Oregon white oaks have been prioritized for protection within the patches.
Reason for Harvest: The harvest and replanting (planned winter 2026) will create a third age class within the project area to support future multi-aged forest conditions that promote biodiversity and habitat. This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.
Stand Age:  78
Last Harvested: 2002
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Additional Resources and Information:
More information & FAQ about recent harvests in the McDonald-Dunn
Map of closure area
Interactive harvest webmap

Summer herbicide application complete

The summer herbicide application on harvest units in the McDonald and Dunn is now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of the planned spray locations, click here. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

Herbicides are used in the Research Forest to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision. Learn more here.

Summer Herbicide Spray starting as early as August 1

The OSU Research Forests plan to spray McDonald-Dunn harvest units as early as Thursday, August 1. The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using ground equipment. Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away. 

Signs will be posted at entry points to each treatment area and include: date of application, herbicide used, and public re-entry information. Signs will remain in place for one week.

Herbicides are used in the Research Forest to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision. Learn more here.

Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests

Woodpecker phase 2 starting tomorrow 7/25

“Phase 2 of the Woodpecker Harvest is slated to start Thursday, July 25, 2024.  Phase 1 is still in operation and all Phase 1 closures will remain in place until it is safe for the public to re-enter.  We anticipate that Phase 1 will reopen within the next three weeks.


Woodpecker Phase 1 & 2 Details:

Approximate Completion Date: September 15th

Closed Roads: Portions of the 500, 514, 520, 522, 524, 540

Closed Trails: Portions of Section 36 and Section 36 Connector Trail.

Haul Route: 514 →510→ 500 →Peavy Arboretum Rd. & 520→Peavy Arboretum Rd.

Parking Restrictions: None

Detours: None

Size: 75.6

Harvest Method: Ground Based

Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing (56.7 acres), Patch Cut (13.9 acres), Oak Restoration (5 acres)

Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.

Stand Age: 108

Additional Considerations: None

Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes


Stay informed! Sign up for our Forest Update email list:

Interactive harvest webmap:

Additional Information about Woodpecker Harvest

Updated on: 07/22/2024 - 17:12

Click here for additional information about the Woodpecker Harvest.

Please visit our Interactive Webmap for a visual of the harvest and other active, planned, and completed harvests in the McDonald-Dunn

Dunn Forest CFIRP 7 Harvest begins Monday, July 22nd

The Dunn Forest CFIRP 7 Harvest (Phase 1) will being Monday, July 22nd. This harvest is part of the student logging training program. To reduce the road closures, we will split the harvest into two phases.

Phase 1 Dunn CFIRP 7 Details:

Approximate Closure Duration:  TBD
Closed Roads: Portion of the 400 road and 440 road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 400 road to 400 Gate
Parking Restrictions: None
Detours: None
Size: 43.2acres (both sections combined)    
Harvest Method: Ground Based & Cable Logging
Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and suppressed conifer trees
Reason for Harvest: This harvest is part of the long-term CFIRP Research Project studying Ecological & Socioeconomic Response to Alternative Silviculture Treatments
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of closure area

See our interactive web-map to see all the active road & trail closures, and a map of the completed, active, and planned harvests on the McDonald-Dunn.

Dead Man's Finger Harvest begins 7/11/2024

Dead Man's Finger Harvest will begin 7/11/2024

See map of closure area.

  • Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
  • Closed Roads: Portions of 610, All of 611 & 611.2
  • Closed Trails: None
  • Haul Route: 600 road to the 600 Gate at Lewisburg Saddle
  • Detours: None
  • Size:  41.8 acres           
  • Harvest Method: Tethered harvester/forwarder Cut to Length System
  • Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and suppressed conifer trees
  • Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry. Increase long term forest health and wind firmness.
  • Stand Age:  32
  • Additional Considerations: None
  • Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

870 Harvest Complete

870 Right of Way Harvest complete. All closure signs have been lifted. The 'No Parking' bollards at Oak Creek will be removed this afternoon. Thank you for your patience with the limited parking at Oak Creek during this harvest! We block off those spaces so log trucks can make it through the narrow passage.

Poison Soap Harvest Complete

The Poison Soap Harvest is complete and the area is open for use.

Fall Hunt Applications Open 7/1 to 7/31!

Applications for the 2024 Dunn Forest Deer/Elk Archery Hunt, General Any Legal Weapon Deer Hunt, and Archery Controlled 218R Alsea Unit Elk Hunt are now open and will be accepted between July 1-July 31, 2024

Visit our Hunt Information page for more information and to apply.

Dunn Forest Open 6/28; McDonald Forest Open 6/29

Tomorrow morning (6/28) we will open the Dunn Forest. 

The McDonald Forest will open on Saturday, June 29th. We will start removing closure signs at Oak Creek at 7:30am on Saturday and will work our way east, finishing at Peavy Arboretum and the 540/Adair Gate. All of the McDonald Forest should be fully open for your enjoyment by 1pm on Saturday.

Thank you for your patience, and thank you to Research Forest student workers for all their help with signage posting and removal!

Please see bright stickers posted on signs at trailheads for specific information about the herbicide application. These stickers will remain in place for one week.

See a visual of the re-opening plan here.

*Please note that harvest closures remain in effect. Visit our Interactive Web Map to see updates of current harvest operations.

For more information about the roadside herbicide application, scroll down or visit our Forest Update page

Lewisburg Saddle SMC Harvest begins 6/24

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 months
Closed Roads: Closure of portions of the 580 road; closure of the 584, 581, 586, & 581 Roads
Closed Trails: New Growth, Old Growth, and Firehouse Trail
Haul Route: 580 Road to 500 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 17.2 acres     
Harvest Method: Tethered harvester/forwarder; Cut to Length System
Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and suppressed conifer trees
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest is part of a long term Research Project facilitated by the CoOp for Intensive Planted Silviculture
Stand Age:  35
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of closure area for Lewisburg SMC

Phase 1 Woodpecker Harvest Starting June 24

Updated on: 06/18/2024 - 14:35


Upcoming Phase 1 Woodpecker Harvest (estimated start date: 6/24)

The first phase (Phase 1) of the Woodpecker Harvest is slated to start next Monday, June 24

Woodpecker Phase 1 Harvest Information

  • Approximate Closure Duration:  2.5 Months
  • Closed Roads: Portions of 500, 520, 522, 524, 540
  • Closed Trails:  Portions of Section 36 Loop
  • Haul Route: 520 to Peavy Arboretum Rd.
  • Size:   63.9 acres        
  • Harvest Method: Ground Based
  • Prescription:  Thinning to a variable spacing (51.6 acres), Oak Restoration (5 acres), and two Patch Cuts (totaling 7.3 acres)
  • Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
  • Stand Age: 108
  • Additional Considerations: None
  • Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes

Map of closure area for Phase 1; note closures along several portions of the 500 road system and portions of Section 36 Trail. We will place signs and maps on site notifying people of the closures and detour options. 

We will send out a Forest Update when Phase 2 starts up in a few weeks. The entire Woodpecker Harvest will last approximately 2.5 months.

Upcoming forest-wide closure for roadside herbicide spray as early as 6/25

OSU Research Forests will be spraying herbicide on all roads, roadside ditches, and cutbanks on the McDonald, Dunn and Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forests. These forests will be CLOSED as early as Tuesday, June 25, 2024 with closures lasting up to 3 to 4 days.

The timing of the closure is subject to change, depending on contractor availability and weather conditions.  As work locations will vary throughout the closure, we intend to open segments of the forest to public use as we complete work.  We will send out Forest Updates at the start of closures, and when closures are lifted.

The date of application and chemical names will be posted on the sign above on the day of application. Roadside spraying typically occurs every one to two years to help control the spread of invasive weeds and to protect the integrity of the roadbed and ditches.  

If you have any questions about roadside spraying on the OSU Research Forests, please email  For questions regarding the herbicides used, please contact National Pesticide Information Center.

680 Patch Harvest Complete

TZ300 Harvest Complete

Poison Soap Harvest begins Monday, June 10

Approximate Closure Duration: 1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 582, all of 582.3, 582.4, 582.42
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 582 Gate
Parking Restrictions: No Parking at the 582 gate
Detours: None
Size: 37 acres
Harvest Method: Tethered harvester/forwarder Cut to Length System
Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and suppressed conifer trees
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry. Increase long term forest health and wind firmness.
Stand Age: 31
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of closure area

870 Right of Way Harvest Begins Monday, June 10

870 Right of Way Harvest Begins Monday, June 10

Approximate Closure Duration: 2 Months
Closed Roads: 870
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 870 à 800 à 800 Gate
Parking Restrictions: None
Detours: None
Harvest Method: Ground Based
Prescription: Roadside clearing to accommodate future road work
Reason for Harvest: This harvest will allow future road work to progress in late summer of 2024
Stand Age:
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of closure area

Community Input Session Wednesday, 6/5 6-8pm

The College of Forestry invites you to the next McDonald-Dunn Research Forest Community Input Session on Wednesday, June 5 from 6-8 p.m. in PFSC 117. Remote participation available via ZOOM.

A new plan is being developed to guide management of the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest. After nearly 2 years of work, we have developed a suite of “management strategies” that will serve as the foundation for forest management.

We now need to make decisions on how these strategies will be overlaid across the forest. At this session, we will provide an overview of decisions made to date and request your input on how we allocate land within the forest.

All OSU Faculty, staff, students and community members are welcome to attend. More info about the planning process HERE.

TZ300 harvest starting 6/3/2024

Unit Name TZ 300
Forest Dunn
Public Closure Status Closed
Harvest Status Active
Approximate Start Date June
Quarter Q3 (2024)
Approximate Duration 1 month
Closed Roads Portions of 300, 320
Closed Trails None
Detours (When Applicable) None
Size (Acres) 15.000000
Harvest Method Tethered harvester/forwarder Cut to Length System
Silvicultural Prescription Thinning to a variable spacing removing diseased, dying and supressed conifer trees
Reason for Harvest This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry. Increase long term forest health and windfirmness.
Research/Demonstration Applications Demonstration of even-aged short rotation wood production
Stand Age 32 years old
Consistent with 2005 McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan? Yes

Nerd Harvest starting 6/3/2024

Unit Name Nerd
Forest McDonald
Public Closure Status Closed
Harvest Status Active
Approximate Start Date July
Quarter Q3 (2024)
Approximate Duration 1 month
Closed Roads Portions of 580 road, all of 586, 584
Closed Trails None
Detours (When Applicable) None
Size (Acres) 13.500000
Harvest Method Ground Based
Silvicultural Prescription Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Research/Demonstration Applications Demonstration of even-aged long rotation forests to provide ecological benefits as well as high quality wood products.
Stand Age 80 years old
Consistent with 2005 McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan? Yes

680 Patch Harvest Beginning 5/29

The 680 Patch harvest begins tomorrow, 5/29/2024

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads: Portions of 680, all of 682 (.1-.6), 683, 685
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 680 Road to 600 road to 600 Gate (Oak Creek)
Parking Restrictions: Restricted Parking at Oak Creek
Detours: None
Size: 6.2acres    
Harvest Method: Ground Based
Prescription: Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  78
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Additional Considerations: None
View map of closure area

Get Outdoors Day Saturday, June 1st!

See you next Saturday!

Get Outdoors Day in Peavy Arboretum
Saturday June 1st 10-3pm

Bring a picnic and experience the wonder of the outdoors! Every year in early June, OSU Research Forests, OSU Extension Service, and Community Health Centers of Linn and Benton County hosts Get Outdoors Day in Peavy Arboretum.

During this event, Peavy Arboretum brims with bilingual activities, families, and community groups – all coming together with the goal of getting people outside, enjoying community, and hopefully trying something new along the way (like catching a fish in Cronemiller Pond for the first time).

The event is completely free and no registration necessary! Due to limited parking in the Arboretum, all visitors and attendees need to park at Crescent Valley High School and use the free shuttle service to and from the event (thank you, Dial-a-Bus!). The shuttle runs to every 15-20 minutes. More info & shuttle schedule here.

Thank you to the dozens of exhibitors and organizations who will be there with interactive activities, games, and crafts for attendees. Hope to see you there!

Website with more information

The Rocky Top Harvest starts back up on 5/16/2024

The Rocky Top Harvest starts back up tomorrow, 5/16/2024

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 700; all of 7040; all of  7060
Closed Trails:  None
Haul Route: 700 -> 700 Gate 
Parking Restrictions:  None
Detours: None
Size:  10.6 acres    
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging & Cable Logging
Prescription:  Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age: 63
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Interactive web-map to view all harvest closures

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions. 

Mac50k this Saturday, May 4th

The McDonald Forest 50K trail run is happening this Saturday, 5/4/2024, throughout the McDonald Forest.

Start and finish lines will be at the Forestry Club Cabin in Peavy Arboretum, but the course extends throughout the forest. Expect to see aid stations, course markings, administrative traffic, and runners while out in the forest on Saturday.

Please visit the Mac50k website for more information.

Playtime Trail Open

Our amazing volunteers have restored the sections of Playtime Trail that were impacted by the Grayman harvest. The trail is now fully open for your enjoyment. 

Dunn Forest Spring Turkey Hunt Begins Today (4/15)

The Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt opens today, Monday April 15th and will last through May 31st.  The hunts are walk-in (no motorized vehicles) and hunters may use a shotgun or bow to hunt turkey with a visible beard.  

You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips on staying safe during hunting season.

Helpful resources:

Dunn Forest hunt rules and map
Dunn Forest hunt schedule
Dunn Forest 2023 Hunt Survey Results

Spring herbicide application complete

Spring herbicide applications on harvest units in the McDonald-Dunn are now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests

Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

Spring herbicide spray beginning April 10th

OSU Research Forests will begin the spring herbicide application tomorrow, April 10th. 

Please see the Forest Update below for more information and a map of the spray locations. We will send out a Forest Update when the herbicide application is complete.

Cougar Sightings near Quercus Meadows

ODFW reported a cougar sighting near Quercus Meadows in the McDonald Forest this morning around 8:00am. There have been multiple sightings in this area in recent months. Below are helpful tips for recreating and staying safe in cougar country:

Hiking tips:

  • Cougars are most active from an hour before sunset to an hour after sunrise.
  • Be cautious and avoid walking alone.
  • Make noise as you hike so as not to surprise a cougar.
  • Keep dogs close as they can attract cougars.

If you encounter a cougar:

Report any cougar sightings or encounters to ODFW: (541) 757-4186

Pausing Rocky Top harvest operations for approximately one month.

OSU Research Forest is pausing Rocky Top harvest operations for approximately one month. 

During this pause, we will re-open the roads around the unit for public access, and place 'Temporarily Open' signs over the closure signs. When harvest operations start up again, we will remove the 'Temporarily Open' signs and all closure protocols will go back into effect.

We have updated the interactive harvest web map to reflect the temporary opening and will send out a Forest Update when the harvest picks up again. Thank you for your compliance!

Grayman harvest complete - Lower Playtime Trail still closed

The Grayman Harvest is complete. The Lower Playtime Trail is still closed for post-harvest repairs. 

Spring herbicide spray starting as early as Wednesday, April 3

The OSU Research Forests plan to spray McDonald-Dunn harvest units as early as Wednesday, April 3, 2024. The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away. 

Signs will be posted at entry points to each treatment area and include: date of application, herbicide used, and public re-entry information. Signs will remain in place for one week.

Herbicides are used in the Research Forest to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.   

Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests

Apparition Harvest & Blackbird Harvest Complete

The Apparition Harvest and Blackbird Harvest are now complete. 

Note that Grayman Harvest and Rocky Top Harvest are still active in that area. Here is a map of the current closures in the 700 road system in the McDonald Forest. You can also view all McDonald-Dunn harvest-related closures on our interactive web map

Dave's Trail and Powder House Trail open

And Dave's Trail and Powder House Trail repairs are now complete and open for your enjoyment. 

5k/15k Race Saturday March 16th

Saturday, March 16th is the McDonald Forest 5k/15k. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the McDonald Forest. 

Rocky Top Harvest Begins 3/12/2024

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 700, all of 7040, All of  7060
Closed Trails:  None
Haul Route: 700 -> 700 Gate 
Parking Restrictions:  None
Detours: None
Size:  10.6 acres    
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging & Cable Logging
Prescription:  Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age: 63
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Interactive web-map to view all harvest closures

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions. 

Grayman Harvest starts 2/12/2024

The Grayman Harvest starts 2/12/2024

Harvest Information: 

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 700 road, all of 7020
Closed Trails: Lower Playtime
Haul Route:  700 à 700 gate Sulphur Springs
Parking Restrictions:  None
Detours: None
Size:  12.7 acres           
Harvest Method: Cable Yarding
Prescription: Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  70
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of closure area 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

FOREST UPDATE: Forest Condition Update & Canceled Volunteer Work on Saturday

The recent  ice storm has brought down many trees and branches across the Willamette Valley, and the McDonald-Dunn Forest is anticipated to have similar conditions.  With the presence of ice, snow and downed trees we are asking visitors to use extreme caution when visiting the forest. We encourage you to check our Forest Updates page on our website before visiting to get updates on road and trail conditions. 

We ask for everyone’s patience as we assess the road and trail conditions. Our priority is to open roads to facilitate emergency egress if needed and then we will be shifting our focus to opening up trails.  You can help be our eyes and ears by utilizing our Roads and Trail Issue Reporting Form to report downed trees across roads and trails. 


Due to this week’s Ice Storm event, we are cancelling this Saturdays Trail Workday (1/20/24).  We are anticipating that there is a fair amount of work to get completed prior to being able to host a Trail Workday.  Our plan is to assess roads and trails over the next couple of weeks and prioritize work for safety and emergency egress if needed.  Thank you for your patience and we will see you next month. 

Applications are now open for Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt!

Applications for the Spring Turkey Hunt will be open through January 31st. Visit our Hunt Information webpage for more info and to apply!

Dave's Trail, Powder House Trail, and Section 36 Trail are still closed for post-harvest repair.

Pleco and Levels of Growing Stock Complete

The Pleco and Levels of Growing Stock Harvests are now complete.

Note that portions of Dave's Trail, Powder House Trail, and Section 36 Trail are still closed for post-harvest repair. We will notify you as soon as those trail sections re-open. 

Map of updated closure area
Interactive Harvest Webmap

Blackbird Harvest Starting 12/6

The Blackbird Harvest will start tomorrow, December 6th. 

Harvest Information: 

Approximate Closure Duration:  2.5 Months
Closed Roads: Closure of portions of the 700, (All of the 710, 730, 760, 761 (.1 & .2), 762)
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route:  700 road to the 700 gate
Parking Restrictions: None
Detours: No Access to the 700 rd. during closure
Size:  27.6 acres    
Harvest Method: Cable Logging
Prescription: Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  75
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of closure area 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Cougar Sightings in Dunn Forest

There was a cougar sighting on the 100 Road system in the Dunn Forest on December 2, 2023. Always use caution when recreating in cougar country.

Hiking tips:

  • Cougars are most active from an hour before sunset to an hour after sunrise.
  • Be cautious and avoid walking alone.
  • Make noise as you hike so as not to surprise a cougar.
  • Keep dogs close as they can attract cougars.

If you encounter a cougar:

Report any cougar sightings or encounters to ODFW: (541) 757-4186

Levels of Growing Stock Harvests beginning November 14th

Levels of Growing Stock Harvests beginning November 14th

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 500, 530, all of 550 & 552
Closed Trails: Portions of Section 36 Loop, Portions of Powder House
Haul Route: 530 -> 500 -> 582 -> 582 Gate
Parking Restrictions:  No Parking at the 582 gate
Detours: None
Size:  26.5 acres,  LGS+: 8 acres   
Harvest Method: Cable Yarding
Prescription:  (LGS) Thinning to a specific basal area for long term demonstration
  (LGS+) Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and suppressed conifer
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry. Increase long term forest health and wind firmness.
Stand Age:  LGS = 70, LGS+ = 47
Additional Considerations: None


Map of closure area

Muddy Trail Policy in Effect

 "If it leaves a track, time to turn back!" Please be a trail steward during the rainy season and do not use a trail when travel results in leaving a track in the mud or when there is significant standing water on the trail. This is especially important for our natural surface trails such as Play Time, High Horse, and Bombs Away.

During the long rainy days, we encourage you to stick to roads and graveled trails like Dan's, Horse, Ridge, Homestead, Section 36, Powder House, and Calloway.

We'll be posting these guidelines about muddy trail use on all Forest kiosks. Help us spread the word to fellow visitors. 

Thank you for using our trails responsibly and honoring the efforts of our awesome volunteers and staff!

Seasonal Trail Closures in Effect

From November 1st to April 14, 2024 our seasonal closures for bikes and horses are in effect. During this time, Calloway Creek Trail and Intensive Management trail will be open to foot traffic only.

Bombs Away Open. 620 and 640 roads open.

Updated on: 11/06/2023 - 10:42

The Bombs Away Trail, 620, and 640 roads are now open after Uncle Rico harvest clean up. There are a few soft areas along Bombs Away Trail where the repairs were made - please use extra care along those sections. 

Harvest Webmap - see all current closures

Uncle Rico Harvest Complete

Uncle Rico harvest complete

The Uncle Rico harvest is complete. However, there is still post-harvest road and trail work to be completed: The 600 road is now open. The 640 and 620 roads are closed for post-harvest clean up.  Bombs Away Trail is also currently closed for post-harvest trail repair and clean up. We will send out a Forest Update when everything in the area is opened up. 

The interactive web-map reflects these updated closure points. 

Pleco Harvest Beginning November 1

The Pleco Harvest on the McDonald Forest will begin November 1st

Harvest Information:

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 Months
Closed Roads: Portions of 580 road, portions of 582 road
Closed Trails: Portion of Dave's Trail, Portions of Powder House
Haul Route: 580 road to 582 Gate
Parking Restrictions:  No Parking at the 582 gate
Detours: None
Size:  16.3 acres    
Harvest Method: Cable Yarding
Prescription:  Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age: 89
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of closure area

Ham Bone & Fletching Harvests are now complete

The Ham Bone & Fletching Harvests are now complete. The full length of the Bonzai Trail is open for your use and enjoyment. 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests

With the cooler, rainier days, OSU Research Forests will be beginning slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests.
Select slash, tree branches, tops, and unmerchantable portions of tree stems have been gathered into piles for burning. Some slash and coarse woody debris are also scattered throughout the harvest area for retention.
Piles are ignited during the fall and winter rainy seasons – typically October, November, and December. Piles are ignited during specific weather windows and under the approval of local fire and smoke managers.
Piles typically burn down to the ground in one day but will smolder for several weeks. Progress of this prescribed burning will be monitored by Research Forests staff.
Slash pile burning is a cost-effective way to perform wildfire hazard mitigation, reduce fuel-loading, and prepare sites for tree planting.

Condor 25k trail run is this Sunday, October 8th

The annual Condor 25k trail run is this Sunday, October 8th. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the eastern portion of the McDonald Forest this weekend.

For more information, including a map of the course, visit

Dunn Any Legal Weapon Deer Hunt starts this Saturday

This hunt will last until November 10th with an extended youth weekend occurring on November 11th and 12th.

You may or may not see hunters while you are out in the Dunn Forest over the next month. Check out our newsletter article on hunter and non-hunter safety during hunting season:

Visit our hunt webpage to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest:

Uncle Rico Harvest Begins Oct. 3

Heads up! The Uncle Rico Harvest begins tomorrow, October 3.

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 months
Closed Roads: Portions of the 600 road; all of the 640, 620 and 630 road
Closed Trails: Closure of the Bombs Away Trail and closure of portions of the Ridge Trail
Haul Route: 600 Road to 600 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 23.5 acres     
Harvest Method: Tethered harvester/forwarder Cut to Length System
Prescription: Thinning to a variable spacing removing dead, diseased, dying and supressed conifer trees
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  39-40
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of closure area

Road work throughout 500 road system

Starting September 27th, and for the next few weeks, OSU Research Forest will be doing road maintenance work throughout the 500 road system (582, 530, 500, 580, 510, and 514 roads). This work may involve temporary closures for hazard tree removal. We will place signs at trail heads and major intersections reminding visitors to slow down and yield to equipment traffic. We will send out a Forest Update when the work is complete. 

Thank you!

Ham Bone Harvest beginning 9/16

The Ham Bone harvest will begin early tomorrow, Saturday, 9/16. Closure signs and barricades will be installed this afternoon.

Harvest information:

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads: Portions of the 540 road; All of the 543, 543.2, 562 road
Closed Trails: Portions of Bonzai Trail
Haul Route: 540 Road to 540 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 19.5 acres             
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  78
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes
See map of the closure area
Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

CFIRP 7 harvest begins September 12th.

The CFIRP 7 harvest on the Dunn Forest will begin tomorrow, September 12th. 

Harvest Information: 

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 months
Closed Roads: Closure of the 421 road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 420 road to 400 gate
Parking: None
Detours: None
Size: 4.9 acres              
Harvest Method: Ground Based & Cable Logging
Prescription: 3 patch cuts totaling 4.9 acres. Promote multi-aged forest while maintaining structural diversity
Reason for Harvest: This harvest is part of the long-term CFIRP Research Project studying Ecological & Socioeconomic Response to Alternative Silviculture Treatments
Stand Age:  135
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

See map of the closure area
Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Fletching Harvest Begins August 21st

The Fletching Harvest begins today, August 21st. 

Harvest Information: 

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: Closure of the 545
Closed Trails: Portions of Bonzai Trail
Haul Route: 540 Road to 540 Gate
Parking: Reduced Parking at the 540 gate to accommodate hauling of long poles
Detours: None
Size: 19.3 acres     
Harvest Method: Ground Based
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  72
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes

Map of the Fletching closure area
Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

610 Road OPEN!

The 610 road is now OPEN for public use and enjoyment

Summer Herbicide Application Complete

Summer herbicide applications on harvest units in the McDonald-Dunn are now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of spray locations, click here. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

The Arboretum is now open to the public. Out of an abundance of caution, recreators are advised to not eat any blackberries in the Arboretum and surrounding areas. Signs are posted by the blackberries. 

Summer herbicide application begins Monday, July 24th

OSU Research Forests will begin the summer herbicide application tomorrow, Monday, July 24th. This application will likely take two days, with Peavy Arboretum being closed on Tuesday, July 25th.

We will send out a Forest Update when the herbicide application is complete.

Summer herbicide spray starting as early as Monday, July 24th

The OSU Research Forests plan to spray McDonald-Dunn harvest units as early as Monday, July 24, 2023.  The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

The purpose of herbicide applications is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.   

Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests.

SPECIAL NOTE:  All of Peavy Arboretum will be CLOSED during the herbicide treatment. This closure will likely last one day. We will send out a Forest Update when the closure begins and when the closure is lifted.

610 Road Repair work starting Tuesday, July 18

Remember this slide on the 610 road last year? Good news! Starting July 18th, crews will be working on repairing the road. The 610 road and 611 roads will be fully closed to the public during this timeFor your safety and the safety of the crews, please respect these closures. We will send out a Forest Update when the closures have been lifted.

Click here for a map of the closure area. 

We're Hiring! Business Manager

The College of Forestry seeks a Business Manager. This is a full-time (1.00 FTE), 12-month, professional faculty position.

 This position provides leadership and management of the Research Forests business including fiscal management, log accounting/accountability, and assistance with developing contracts that support Research Forests yearly scope of work. This position will also offer support and guidance to all other programs within the Research Forests and act as a business manager liaison between the College of Forestry and Business Services Office and the Research Forests. The Research Forests provide teaching, research, demonstration and recreation opportunities for Oregon State University and the greater community.

For more information or to apply, visit: Closing date is July 12.

 OSU commits to inclusive excellence by advancing equity and diversity in all that we do. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, and particularly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, LGBTQ community members, and others who demonstrate the ability to help us achieve our vision of a diverse and inclusive community.

Fire Safety

As you enjoy the OSU Research Forests on this 4th of July holiday weekend, remember that ALL types of fireworks are prohibited in OSU Research Forests. Alcohol is also prohibited in the Research Forests. 

Fire season is here! Please help us keep our forests and communities safe and practice good stewardship by not smoking, using fireworks, or having open flames when visiting the OSU Research Forests this summer. Thank you for helping us provide a forest experience that is safe and enjoyable for everyone.

If you see a fire while in the forest, CALL 911 and include the location and road number.  We rely on visitors like you to be our eyes and ears and help us identify and address problems immediately.  

Guppy harvest complete 6/28/2023

The Dunn Forest Guppy harvest is complete and closures have been lifted

Student Logging Training Program (SLTP) 810 Turkey Run Harvest beginning Monday, June 19th

Updated on: 06/28/2023 - 10:45


Student Logging Training Program (SLTP) 810 Turkey Run Harvest beginning Monday, June 19th 


Approximate Closure Duration: TBD
Closed Roads: 810 road , 811 road, 812 road & 830 road
Closed Trails:  Alpha Trail
Haul Route: 800 Road to 800 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 38.5 acres             
Harvest Method: Cable Yarding
Prescription: Commercial thinning of dead, diseased and stressed trees.
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal and promote long term forest health and wind firmness. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry. Will also provide on the ground experience for the student logging training program.
Stand Age:  43
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of the 810 Turkey Run closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Dunn Race Track Harvest beginning Tuesday, June 20th

Updated on: 06/16/2023 - 10:26


Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: Closure of portions of the 100 road and all roads North, West & East of the 100 road.
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 100 Road to 100 Gate
Parking: No parking at 100 Gate to facilitate hauling of long poles
Detours: None
Size: 24.4 acres    
Harvest Method: Ground Based Logging
Prescription: Clearcut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  78
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of the Race Track closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Dunn CFIRP 2 Harvest Complete

The Dunn CFIRP 2 Harvest is complete and closures have been lifted

Guppy Harvest Starting Today, 6/12

Approximate Closure Duration:  1.5 months
Closed Roads: Closure of portions of the 110 road; all of the 111 & 110.2
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 110 Road to 100 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 10.9 acres             
Harvest Method: Ground-based Logging
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  51
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

CFIRP 6 Harvest Complete

Dunn CFIRP 6 Harvest is complete and closures have been lifted. 

CFIRP2 Dunn 2 Harvest Starting June 6th

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads: Closure of the 450, 451 & 453 road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 400 Road to 400 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 5.8 acres              
Harvest Method: Ground-based Logging
Prescription: Restoration and patch cuts with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This harvest is part of the long-term CFIRP Research Project studying Ecological & Socioeconomic response to alternative silviculture treatments
Stand Age:  101
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Map of closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Mastication work in Jackson Meadow starting June 5th

OSU Research Forest will be starting mulching/mastication work in Jackson Meadow today. There will be no closures, but you may experience equipment in the area. 

What is mastication? Learn about various options for treating slash after a timber harvest. 

Get Outdoors Day Saturday 6/3 - No parking at Arboretum

Updated on: 06/01/2023 - 14:11

Get Outdoors Day is this Saturday, June 3rd from 10-3pm! Join us for the free family event and learn about natural resources and outdoor fun.

Important! There will be NO parking in Peavy Arboretum on Saturday from 5am to 5pm. All parking for this free event is located off-site at Crescent Valley High School.  Shuttles will run continuously all day. 

We hope to see you at this special community event
More info about Get Outdoors Day here. 

McDonald Forest 50k Saturday, May 6 2023

The McDonald Forest 50K trail run is happening this Saturday, 5/6/2023, throughout the McDonald Forest.  The start and finish lines will be at the Forestry Club Cabin in Peavy Arboretum, but the course extends throughout the forest.  Expect to see aid stations, course markings, administrative traffic, and runners while out in the forest on Saturday. 

Please visit the Mac50k website for more information.

FOREST UPDATE: 04/19/2023

The spring turkey hunt is now open on the Dunn Forest and will last through May 31st.  The hunts are walk-in (no motorized vehicles) and hunters may use a shotgun or bow to hunt turkey with a visible beard.  
You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips on staying safe during hunting season. 

FOREST UPDATE: 04/14/2023

Spring herbicide application complete

The recent spring herbicide application on harvest units in the McDonald and Dunn is now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of the planned spray locations, click here. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

FOREST UPDATE: 04/07/2023

Heads up, next week Peavy Arboretum may be a little crowded as Logging Sports teams from all over the west converge on OSU for the 83rd Annual Association of Western Forestry Clubs (AWFC) Conclave Regional Championship. 
The Oregon State University Forestry Club is hosting the Conclave. The logging sports competition will be held at the George W. Brown Logging Sports Arena in Peavy Arboretum from April 12-15. Events include axe throwing, pole climbing, buck saw events, birling (log roll on a floating log), and more! The students will also be competing in technical events such as wood identification and estimating lumber yield from timber stands.  
The public is invited; shuttles will be running hourly from the Life Community Church on Highway 99. To learn more visit:

FOREST UPDATE: 03/31/2023


The OSU Research Forests intend to apply herbicides to select project units on the McDonald-Dunn Forest, starting as early as Thursday, April 6th. The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers. Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away. Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

The purpose of herbicide applications is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.

Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests.

FOREST UPDATE: 03/29/2023

Logging Sports Regional Championship - Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers needed for Logging Sports Regional Championship – From April 12-15, the Oregon State University Forestry Club is hosting a logging sports competition at the George W. Brown Logging Sports Arena in Peavy Arboretum. Events include axe throwing, pole climbing, buck saw events, birling (log roll on a floating log), and more! The students will also be competing in technical events such as wood identification and estimating lumber yield from timber stands. Volunteers are especially needed on Wednesday and Thursday, sign up:

FOREST UPDATE: 03/28/2023

“After a much longer closure than anticipated, the Jesse’s Girl harvest closure is now lifted on the Dunn Forest.  Visitors are welcome to use the 400 road for accessing the Dunn Forest.  Please be aware that road work still needs to be completed and will likely be taking place one we have some drier weather.  In the meantime, recreate safely and be aware of uneven road conditions and slippery surfaces.  Lastly, a reminder to “know before you go” and check the Harvest Closure Map on the Research Forests webpage for additional closures in the general vicinity.

FOREST UPDATE: 03/22/2023

Ash Yew harvest is now complete, 3/22/23

Harvest operations for the Ash Yew harvest unit on the McDonald Forest are now completed and closures will be lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution, and watch for uneven terrain.  

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’. Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map


Updated on: 03/05/2023 - 19:57

Dunn CFIRP 6 & 7 is Starting Monday 3/6/23

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 - 3 months
Closed Roads: Closure of portions of the 300 road; closure of the 310, 360, 380, 420 & 440 road

Closed Trails: None
Haul Route:
300 Road to 300 Gate and 420 road to 400 Gate

Parking: No parking at 300 Gate during harvest

Detours: None
Size: 14.4 acres              

Harvest Method: Ground Based & Cable Logging
Prescription: 6 patch cuts totaling 14.4 acres. Promote multi-aged forest while maintaining structural diversity
Reason for Harvest: This harvest is part of the long-term College Forest Integrated Research Project (CFIRP) studying Ecological & Socioeconomic Response to Alternative Silviculture  Treatments

Stand Age:  99-160   
Additional Considerations: None

Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Forest Update: 03/02/2023

Saturday, March 4th is the McDonald Forest 5k/15k. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the McDonald Forest on this day.

Jesse's Girl Status

Updated on: 02/14/2023 - 11:47

Many of our visitors have asked about the status of the Jesse’s Girl harvest project, especially as the anticipated timeline hasn’t been kept. This past summer, we ran into some equipment challenges that severely impacted the timeline that we were hoping for.  Rest assured that the project scope hadn’t changed and we are getting closer to reopening up the 400 road area in the Dunn Forest. We understand the frustrations and are working to get the project wrapped up as soon as possible.  Thank you for your patience!

Saturday work party at Cronemiller Lake 2/18

Heads up! This Saturday, February 18th, the OSU CoF Forestry Club will be working on several maintenance tasks in and around the logging sports arena and Cronemiller Lake. Expect construction equipment and activity throughout the Cronemiller Lake area. Barricades with signs will be posted, and volunteers will be on-site to safely direct visitors.

We will not be closing the area to the public, but given the level of equpiment and activity, we encourage you to consider recreating at other locations in the McDonald-Dunn Forest on Saturday. Thank you!

Mulching work and Intensive Management Trail closures starting Feb. 13

Updated on: 02/12/2023 - 09:45

Beginning February 13th, OSU Research Forest will be mulching the 2022 Happy Trails thin harvest unit. Expect closures throughout Intensive Management Trail. 

Staff will place barricades and signs at closure points. This work is slated to last approximately one week. We will send out a Forest Update when everything is re-opened. Thank you!

Map of the mulching area. 

January 31st - last day to apply for spring turkey hunt!

Tuesday, January 31st is the last day to apply for the Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt. Apply here!

Reduced Parking at Peavy Aboretum Sunday Jan. 29th

There is a large event scheduled for Sunday, January 29th at the Forestry Club Cabin. Expect increased traffic and very reduced parking throughout the Arboretum on this day. 

We encourage you to explore other parts of the McDonald-Dunn and/or other local natural areas on Sunday. Download our newly updated large format map of the McDonald and Dunn Forest.

Banzai Trail Open

Road work along the 540 road system is complete and Banzai Trail is now fully open. Enjoy!

Ash Yew Harvest Starting 12/20

Updated on: 01/04/2023 - 14:26

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: Portions of the 800 and 700 road ,all of 720 road, 730 road & 710 road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 800 Road to 800 Gate
Parking: No parking at 700/720 Gate during harvest
Detours: None
Size: 29.4 acres     

Harvest Method: Cable Yarding
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  70
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Click here for a map of the closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Portion of Banzai Trail closed starting January 4th

Beginning tomorrow, January 4th, a portion of the Banzai Trail will be closed for road work and brush clearing. You may also experience increased maintenance traffic and equipment along the 540 and 543 roads during this time. For your and everyone’s safety, please yield to vehicular traffic.

The closure will likely last for 3-4 days, weather permitting. We will send a Forest Update when everything re-opens.

Applications are now open for Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt!

Applications for the Spring Turkey Hunt will be open through January 31st. Visit our Hunt Information webpage for more info and to apply!

Slash pile burning on McDonald-Dunn

OSU Research Forests are beginning slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests.
Select slash, tree branches, tops, and unmerchantable portions of tree stems have been gathered into piles for burning. Some slash and coarse woody debris are also scattered throughout the harvest area for retention.
Piles are ignited during the fall and winter rainy seasons – typically October, November, and December. Piles are ignited during specific weather windows and under the approval of local fire and smoke managers.
Piles typically burn down to the ground in one day but will smolder for several weeks. Progress of this prescribed burning will be monitored by Research Forests staff.
Slash pile burning is a cost-effective way to perform wildfire hazard mitigation, reduce fuel-loading, and prepare sites for tree planting.

Jackson Meadow Harvest Complete

Harvest operations for the Jackson Meadow Restoration harvest on the McDonald Forest are complete and closures have been lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed as well as slash pile burning, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go.’ Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map

Dunn Forest general any legal weapon deer hunt begins this Saturday, October 1st.

Updated on: 09/30/2022 - 12:03

This hunt will last until November 4th with an extended youth weekend occurring on November 5th and 6th.

You may or may not see hunters while you are out in the Dunn Forest over the next month. Check out our newsletter article on hunter and non-hunter safety during hunting season:

Visit our hunt webpage to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest:

We also want to share this important message from ODFW about Chronic Wasting Disease:

ODFW is increasing surveillance efforts for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal neurological disease found in deer, elk, and other members of the Cervidae family. CWD has never been detected in Oregon, but with recent detections in Idaho last year, it is right on Oregon’s border. If you would like to get your deer or elk tested, and help with ODFW’s surveillance effort, please call the ODFW Adair Village office at 541-757-4186 to schedule an appointment. To learn more about CWD, please visit

Condor 25k Trail Run this Sunday, October 2nd!

The annual Condor 25k trail run is this Sunday, October 2nd. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the eastern portion of the McDonald Forest this weekend.

For more information, including a map of the course, visit

AdvenChair Demo Day Saturday 9/24!

OSU Research Forest is excited to host a demonstration event for the AdvenChair, an all-terrain wheelchair.

The event is Saturday, September 24 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at Peavy Arboretum.

For more information, visit the AdvenChair website.

If you are interested, even just partly, in attending, please drop the organizers a note at so that the organizers can plan accordingly.

North Newt Harvest Starting 9/20

North Newt Harvest is starting Tuesday, 9/20

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: 761.2 road, 7080 Road & 7082 road
Closed Trails:  Play Time Trail
Haul Route: 761 road, 700 road to 700 gate and 700 road,  760 road, 700 road, to 700 gate
Detours: None
Size: 27 acres     
Harvest Method:  Cable Yarding
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  69
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
Click here for a map of the closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

FOREST UPDATE: 09/08/2022

Updated on: 09/08/2022 - 12:36


The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning from Friday 9/9 through Saturday 9/10

The OSU Research Forests is recommending avoiding recreating on the forest during this red flag event. Strong east winds and hot weather Friday and Saturday are increasing the fire danger in our community and our forests.  The east winds will likely continue through Saturday and will result in very dry conditions, increasing fire danger.

For more information see the National Weather Service Warning 

Jackson Meadow Restoration Harvest Begins 9/2/22

Jackson Meadow Restoration Harvest information

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads: Portions of 612 & 610 road
Closed Trails: Section of Horse Trail
Haul Route:  Jackson Creek Road
Detours: None
Size: 26.9 acres             
Harvest Method: Ground-based harvesting
Prescription: Oak Prairie Restoration with retention of conifer snags and large open grown conifers. Will reduce fuels along property line.
Reason for Harvest: Restore area back to an open oak savannah with scattered conifer retention. Will reduce risk of crown fire.
Stand Age:  67
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Click here for map of closure area

Happy Trails Harvest Complete

Harvest operations for the Happy Trails harvest unit are complete and closures have been lifted. Note that there will be some additional post-harvest work on the unit in the future which will require a short closure. We will send out a Forest Update to notify you of those closures when they occur.

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go.' Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map

Happy Trails!

Dunn Forest deer/elk bow hunt begins 8/27

The Deer/Elk Bow Hunt on the Dunn Forest begins tomorrow, 8/27/2022, and lasts until 9/25/2022. The bow hunt will pick up again from 11/19 to 12/11/2022 for buck deer.  Out of the 84 people who applied, 50 individuals were randomly selected and received a letter in the mail allowing access to the Dunn Forest for walk-in hunting.  Hunters may only use a bow to hunt buck deer or bull elk.  

You may or may not see hunters while you are out in the Dunn Forest.  Here are some tips from the USDA Forest Service on hunting safety for hunters and other visitors.   

Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed.

CLICK HERE to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest. 

Chronic Wasting Disease Notice

ODFW is increasing surveillance efforts for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal neurological disease found in deer, elk, and other members of the Cervidae family. CWD has never been detected in Oregon, but with recent detections in Idaho last year, it is right on Oregon’s border. If you would like to get your deer or elk tested, and help with ODFW’s surveillance effort, please call the ODFW Adair Village office at 541-757-4186 to schedule an appointment. To learn more about CWD, please visit

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Happy Trails harvest beginning 8/16/22

Updated on: 08/16/2022 - 11:58

Please note that there will be no Intensive Management Trail access from the parking lot during the harvest. 

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads: Portions of the 522 Road, 524 Road & all of the 524.1 Road
Closed Trails: Intensive Management Trail & a portion of Calloway Creek Trail
Haul Route: 522 Road to 520 Road to NW Arboretum Road
Parking: No Intensive Management trail access from the parking lot during harvests
Detours: None  Size: 1, 5.5, 8 acres     
Harvest Method: Ground-based Harvester/Forwarder,
Prescription:  Patch Cut, Commercial thinning of dead, diseased, and stressed trees. 
Reason for Harvest: High degree of mortality adjacent to trails, buildings, and residences. High degree of mortality within the tighter spacing.  Mastication/fuel reduction within the harvest area and specifically along the property lines with neighbors will be occurring post-harvest.  Additionally, removal of dead and dying trees along the property line will be occurring.
Stand Age:  50   
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes


Click here for a map of the closure area


Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Interactive Harvest Webmap or contact us with questions.

Crow's Nest Harvest Complete

Harvest operations for the Crow's Nest harvest unit on the McDonald Forest are completed as of 8/16/22 and closures have been lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

Recreation Use Advisory Lifted for Cronemiller Lake

The recreational use advisory has been lifted for Cronemiller Lake, but Oregon Heath Authority (OHA) advises dog owners to be alert to signs of cyanobacteria blooms.

OHA lifted the advisory based on sampling that confirmed levels of cyanotoxins in Cronemiller Lake to be below recreational guideline values for people. Although the levels detected are below the recreational use values for people, they continue to be above OHA’s educational guideline values for dogs.

Dog owners should be aware of the potential exposure to their pets while at the lake, especially in shallow, marshy areas where cyanobacteria blooms can form. Cyanobacteria can be present on green algae, growing from the sediment or on rocks.

Read the full press release here:

OSU Research Forest will keep dog safety signage posted around Cronemiller Lake to raise awareness about the risk. Enjoy the Forest and stay safe out there!

Bug’s Life harvest complete August 2nd

Harvest operations for the Bug’s Life harvest unit on the McDonald Forest will be completed the morning of August 2nd and closures will be lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

Note that the Crow's Nest harvest is still active. Click here for a map of active harvest units in the Oak Creek area. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’. Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map

Summer herbicide application complete

The recent summer herbicide application on harvest units in the McDonald and Dunn are now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of the planned spray locations, click here. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

Final days to apply for Dunn Forest hunts!

July 31st is the last day to apply for the 2022 Dunn Forest Deer/Elk Archery Hunt, Any Legal Weapon Deer Hunt, and Controlled Archery Elk 218R Alsea Unit Hunt. Visit our Hunt Information page to apply.

Individuals selected for the hunt through a random drawing will receive a letter and email granting access to hunt on Dunn Forest property. The drawing will take place on 8/5.

Presence of cyanobacteria bloom at Cronemiller Lake - health advisory

Oregon Health Authority (OHA) just issued a recreational use health advisory today for Cronemiller Lake due to the presence of a cyanobacteria bloom. People and pets should avoid contact with water, scum, foam, or algae. We placed signage around the lake.

Children and pets are at increased risk for exposure because of their size and levels of activity. Dogs can get extremely ill and even die within minutes to hours of exposure to cyanotoxins by drinking the water, licking their fur, or eating the toxins from floating mats or dried crust along the shore. This is regardless of a recreational use health advisory in place.

OSU Research Forests and OHA will keep you posted with updates as they unfold. 

For more information and a link to the full Cronemiller Lake advisory release, click here:

More information about cyanobacteria blooms:

Summer herbicide spray starting as early as Monday, August 1st

Updated on: 07/25/2022 - 10:19

The OSU Research Forests intend to apply herbicides to select project units on the McDonald-Dunn Forest, starting as early as Monday, August 1st, 2022.  The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

The purpose of herbicide applications is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.
Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests.

Crow's Nest Harvest (Phase 2) starting 7/13

The second phase of the Crow's Nest harvest will begin this afternoon, 7/13/2022.

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: 771 Road, portions of the 6020 when actively working and cables/equipment are across road
Closed Trails: Uproute Trail when actively working and cables/equipment are across the road/trail
Haul Route: 771 Road, 680 Road, 600 Road  to Oak Creek Trailhead
Detours: None
Size: 43.6 acres        
Harvest Method: Tethered Harvester/Forwarder
Prescription:  Commercial thinning of dead, diseased and stressed trees.  Spacing will be variable with small gaps along corridors.
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  40
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of the closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Road work on 610 and 612 roads

Road maintenance activities are occurring on the 610 and 612 roads this week. Expect increased vehicle and equipment traffic in that area. For your safety, please use extra caution, yield to road work traffic and machinery, and follow operator instructions if offered. 

The Mastiff harvest is complete

The Mastiff harvest complete

Harvest operations for the Mastiff harvest unit on the Dunn Forest are complete and closures have been lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’. Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map

Fire season goes into effect Wed, July 6th

The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) West Oregon District will be entering into fire season Wednesday July 6th. At the same time, the district will be enacting public use restrictions (low fire danger) and will be at an Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1 for industrial operations.

What does this mean?

  • Public Regulated Use describes restrictions to public use of lands protected by ODF and all forest lands within one-eighth of a mile (click for more info). 
  • Industrial Fire Precaution Levels regulate how operations are conducted on forest lands protected by ODF.  OSU Research Forests staff, researchers, contractors, and volunteers follow these regulations carefully to protect forest resources and neighboring properties. 

In ADDITION to the restrictions described by ODF through Public Regulated Use, OSU Research Forests prohibits the following activities on all roads, trails, parking areas and lands, year-round:  

  • No smoking or vaping (even in parking areas or parked cars)
  • No campfires or party fires
  • No fireworks
  • No unauthorized use of spark-producing devices (such as chainsaws, mowers, weed eaters, and vehicles)

If you see a fire while out on the forest, CALL 911!  We rely on our wonderful visitors to serve as eyes and ears to help us identify and address problems immediately.  

More information about fire season safety and precautions can be found here or on the ODF- West Oregon District Facebook page

Fourth of July safety

As you enjoy the OSU Research Forests on this 4th of July holiday weekend, remember that ALL types of fireworks are prohibited in OSU Research Forests. Alcohol is also prohibited in the Research Forests. 

Fire season is right around the corner. Please help us keep our forests and communities safe and practice good stewardship by not smoking, using fireworks, or having open flames when visiting the OSU Research Forests this summer. Thank you for helping us provide a forest experience that is safe and enjoyable for everyone.

If you see a fire while in the forest, CALL 911 and include the location and road number.  We rely on visitors like you to be our eyes and ears and help us identify and address problems immediately.  

Dunn Fall Hunt Applications now open through July 31st!

Applications for the 2022 Dunn Forest Deer/Elk Archery Hunt, General Any Legal Weapon Deer Hunt, and Archery Controlled 218R Alsea Unit Elk Hunt are now open!

Applications will be accepted between July 1-July 31, 2022.

Visit our Hunt Information page for more information and to apply.

Crow’s Nest Harvest is slated to start Tuesday, July 5th

*Note: The Crow's Nest harvest will occur in stages and will have different closures associated with each stage. We will send out Forest Updates and update the interactive harvest webmap when those changes occur.

Approximate Closure Duration:  3 months
Closed Roads: 771 Road
Closed Trails: None. 
Haul Route: 771 Road, 680 Road, 600 Road to Oak Creek Trailhead.
Detours: None
Size: 43.6 acres                  
Harvest Method: Tethered Harvester/Forwarder
Prescription:  Commercial thinning of dead, diseased and stressed trees.  Spacing will be variable with small gaps along corridors.
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  40
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Map of the closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Forest Discovery Summer Series - July dates!

The Forest Discovery Trail program is hosting a series of activities this summer, geared toward families with younger children who would like to learn more about the forest environment.

The series will cover three activities: Plant Patrol, Invertebrate Investigators, and Bird Surveyors. Each activity will run twice with the same content.  

The July theme is PLANT PATROL!


  • Tuesday, July 19th, 12-1:30pm.
  • Friday, July 22nd, 12-1:30pm

Stay tuned for August and September dates!

Cost: FREE with registration. We will cap the sessions at 20 people.

For more information and to register, click here!

Jesse's Girl Harvest Starts 6/28

Updated on: 06/27/2022 - 15:10

Jesse's Girl harvest starts tomorrow, 6/28. Please see highlighted note about the 400 gate and road closure. 

Approximate Closure Duration: 2 months
Closed Roads: 400 Road, 410 Road, 420 Road, 421 road, 422 road, 422.1 road & 440 Road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: None
Parking: No Parking or access to the Forest via the 400 Gate during operations.
Detours: None  Size: 54.1 acres     
Harvest Method: Cable Yarding/Ground Based Harvesting
Prescription: Variable Retention, Oak Restoration, Patch Cut
Reason for Harvest: This harvest maintains and releases oaks, promotes legacy trees, and creates openings for forest regeneration. This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  82 
Additional Considerations: None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes, Exemption to forest plan approved.

Map of the closure area
Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Reduced Parking at Oak Creek; 547 Gate Open

Reduced Parking at Oak Creek

Oak Creek will have reduced parking through the next couple of months. Trucks are hauling logs from the Bug's Life Harvest through the 600 Gate at Oak Creek; to provide enough room for the trucks to enter and exit, OSU Research Forest installed no parking bollards and signs in several parking spots (photo)

Given the reduced parking, please consider alternative ways to get to the Forest, such as carpooling, biking, or visiting at lower use times. Click here for a list of great tips! We also recommend checking out our Oak Creek parking webcam so you can plan your visit before you hit the trails.

547 Gate Now Open

The water line work at 547 Gate is complete. The gate is now open for public access. 

Thank you!

Mastiff Harvest starting Monday, June 20th

The Mastiff Harvest on the Dunn Forest will begin early tomorrow, Monday, June 20th. 

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads: Portions of the 400 road, all of 490, 471 & 471.2 roads
Closed Trails: None
Haul Route: 300 Road to 300 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 20.4 acres             
Harvest Method: Ground based harvester/forwarder
Prescription: Commercial thinning of dead, diseased and stressed trees.  Spacing will be variable with small gaps along corridors.
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal and will enhance long-term forest health and wind firmness.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  31-34
Additional Considerations:  None
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes
Click here to view a map of the closure area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Forests Management Planning Process Kick-off Meeting

McDonald and Dunn Research Forests Management Planning Process Kick-off Meeting

June 14, 2:00-4:30 p.m. PT

The OSU College of Forestry is developing a new management plan for the McDonald and Dunn Forests. This will involve two committees working in tandem: an external Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) and an internal Faculty Planning Committee (FPC). These two committees will have a kick-off meeting to begin the planning process on June 14, 2:00-4:30pm. This meeting is open to the public for listening via ZOOM (Open to the public for listening - no comment period during this meeting).

This kick-off meeting and all future SAC meetings will be facilitated by Oregon Consensus. The FPC will be facilitated by the College of Forestry and chaired by Holly Ober, Associate Dean for Science Outreach.

There will be several opportunities later this year for the public to provide input through community listening sessions. 

Questions? Please contact Holly Ober.

More information about the forest management planning process is located here. 

Cougar sightings in Dunn Forest

There have been four cougar sightings in the Dunn Forest in the past three weeks. The sightings have been along the 110 Road, just before the 112 Road. Remember that you are recreating in cougar country. Please keep cougar safety in mind when visiting the Research Forests.

If you encounter a cougar:

Report any cougar sightings or encounters to ODFW: (541) 757-4186

Salvage Operations in Dunn Forest

Storms throughout 2021 and 2022 brought down a number of trees throughout the Research Forests. OSU Research Forests are currently salvaging and removing these trees within the Dunn Forest.

Due to the scattered and rolling nature of the salvage locations, the interactive web map will not be able to show closure sites. Instead, closure notices will be placed on-site.

We will do our best to let you know of closures, but due to the variability in closure duration, location, and contractor availability, we may not be able to send out notices for each operation.

Thank you!

540 gate now open

Great news to start your weekend: the Adair/540 gate is now open for public parking and access. Enjoy!

Click here for a map of the McDonald Forest. 

Tree work in Peavy Arboretum on June 2nd

Tree work in Peavy Arboretum:

Tomorrow, June 2nd, Bartlett Tree Service will be working in Peavy Arboretum to remove tree hazards. You may experience traffic controls and parking impacts while they are working.

Get Outdoors Day:

Our Albany Get Outdoors Day pop-up station is this Saturday from 11-2pm! We'll be at Grand Prairie Park with bilingual (Spanish and English) activities geared to get families excited about our wonderful outdoors.

Pop on by - all are welcome! More information here.

Happy June!

Bug's Life Harvest, Get Outdoors Day, and 540 Gate Update

Bug's Life Harvest:

The Bug's Life Harvest begins tomorrow, May 27 on the McDonald Forest.

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads: Portions of 770 Road, all of the 773 &775 roads
Closed Trails:  None
Haul Route: 6021, 600 to Oak Creek Gate
Detours: None
Size: 7.6 acres               
Harvest Method: Ground-based harvesting
Prescription: Clear-cut with structural and visual tree retention. Retain legacy oaks, some conifer snags and some green healthy conifer trees.
Reason for Harvest: Very high degree of mortality caused by ice damage and drought.  Return the site to a more open oak and pine ecological condition.
Stand Age:  64
Additional Considerations:  Retain legacy oaks, some conifer snags and some green healthy conifer trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes, Exemption to forest plan approved.
Click here for a map of the closure area.

Mastiff Harvest:

The Mastiff Harvest on the Dunn Forest is slated to begin sometime next week. We will send out a Forest Update when it officially starts, along with detailed information about the harvest. 

Click here for a map of the upcoming closure area.

Get Outdoors Day:

Our first Get Outdoors Day pop-up stations are this Saturday from 11-2pm! We'll be at Garfield Park and Lincoln Elementary with bilingual (Spanish and English) activities that aim to get families excited about our wonderful outdoors.

Pop on by - all are welcome! More information here.

540 and 547 Gate Closures:

Adair water line work is still continuing at the 540 and 547 gates. Thanks for your patience with these closures. We will send out a Forest Update as soon as it reopens. 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about harvest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Muddy Trail Reminder

Rain, rain, and more rain these days! Reminder to abide by our wet trail policy and please stay off of muddy trails.  Using muddy or water-logged natural surface trails can cause serious damage to the integrity and quality of the tread and surrounding vegetation. 

During these rainy days, we ask that you stick to roads and graveled trails like Dan's, Horse, Ridge, Alpha, Homestead, Section 36, Powder House, and Calloway.

Please stay OFF of natural surface trails like Vineyard, Daves, High Horse, Bombs Away, Beautiful, and Playtime until they have had some time to dry out. 

McDonald Forest Map

Thank you for recreating responsibly!

Mac50k Trail Run Saturday, May 7th

The McDonald Forest 50K trail run is happening Saturday, 5/7/2022, throughout the McDonald Forest.

Start and finish lines will be at the Forestry Club Cabin in Peavy Arboretum, but the course extends throughout the forest. Expect to see aid stations, course markings, administrative traffic, and runners while out in the forest on Saturday.

Please visit the Mac50k website for more information.

610 Road CLOSED due to slope failure

The slope failure along the 610 Road has worsened, creating a hazard and risk to visitor safety. Therefore, a portion of the 610 Road is CLOSED to the public for hiking, biking, and equestrian travel until further notice. Signs and barricades will be posted at either end of the closure. 

Click here for a photo of the impacted slope and here for a map of the closure area.

Thank you for staying on designated roads and trails and honoring posted closures. 

OSU Army ROTC Night Training on Dunn Forest

Tomorrow, April 28th, OSU Army ROTC will be conducting a map and compass night training on the Dunn Forest from 6:30pm to midnight.

Students will be using a map and compass and travel dismounted through the training area to find specific points in a dark setting.

Note that this special use will be occurring outside of the Research Forest's hours of 5am to 9pm. 

540/Adair Gate Update: The 540/Adair access area is still closed to the public for water line work. Thank you for your patience. We will notify you via Forest Update when it reopens.

Temporary closure on Intensive Management Trail 4/21

On April 21st, OSU Research Forest will be felling five dead/hazard trees along a portion of the Intensive Management Trail. The work is slated to start at 8 am and should last until 12 pm. Expect portions of Intensive Management Trail and Calloway Creek Trail to be closed during this time. 

Staff will be at either end of the work area to monitor the temporary closure.

Thank you!

540 gate closure - water line work

Tomorrow, April 19th work will continue on the installation of a new water line to the Adair Village area. This work may take several weeks and will impact forest access at the Adair/540 gate, the 547 gate, and a portion of the 540-547 trail. 

Starting Tuesday, 4/19, the Adair/540 gate access and parking lot, 547 gate, and a portion of the 540-547 trail will be closed to the public until further notice.

We will send out Forest Updates to notify you of the closures and corresponding re-openings. Signs will also be posted on site. 

Dunn Forest Spring Turkey Hunt Opens Friday 4/15

Updated on: 04/14/2022 - 15:00

The Dunn Forest spring turkey hunt opens tomorrow, Friday April 15th and will last through May 31st.  The hunts are walk-in (no motorized vehicles) and hunters may use a shotgun or bow to hunt turkey with a visible beard.  

You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips on staying safe during hunting season.

Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed.

CLICK HERE to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest.

Spring herbicide complete; 540 gate open for weekend

Spring herbicide application complete

Spring herbicide applications on harvest units in the McDonald-Dunn are now complete.

Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of spray locations, click here. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

Adair water line work update: 540 gate parking area open this weekend

The Adair/540 gate parking area is OPEN to the public today and through the weekend. The next set of closures may begin as early as Monday, April 11th. 

Spring herbicide spray starting today, 4/7

Herbicide spray occurring today and tomorrow (weather permitting)

The spring herbicide application commenced today, April 7th, and will likely last through tomorrow, April 8th (weather permitting).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of spray locations, click here.

540 Gate Access Closure 4/6

Beginning April 6th, work will begin on the installation of a new water line to the Adair Village area. This work may take several weeks and will impact forest access at the Adair/540 gate, the 547 gate, and a portion of the 540-547 trail. 

Tomorrow, April 6th, the Adair/540 gate access area and parking lot will be closed to the public for site prep and tree pruning. The closure is anticipated to last through Thursday, April 7th. 

The next set of closures is slated to begin the week of April 11th. 

We will send out Forest Updates to notify you of the closures and corresponding re-openings. Signs and barricades will also be posted on site. 

Thank you!

Herbicide application to start as early as April 4th

The OSU Research Forests plan to spray McDonald-Dunn harvest units as early as Monday, April 4, 2022.  The exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

The purpose of herbicide applications is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.   

Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests

Logging sports team competition at Peavy Arboretum 3/12

Tomorrow, Saturday March 12th at 1pm,  the OSU Forestry Club Logging Sports Team will host an inter-club competition at the logging sports arena in Peavy Arboretum. This event will take place rain or shine.

The public is welcome to watch. Hike up to the logging sports arena, located next to Cronemiller Lake.

Events include choker setting, axe throwing, burling, horizontal chop, double bucking, and single bucking. 

For more information, contact Maddie Thompson. Tomorrow, Saturday March 12th at 1pm,  the OSU Forestry Club Logging Sports Team will host an inter-club competition at the logging sports arena in Peavy Arboretum. This event will take place rain or shine.

The public is welcome to watch. Hike up to the logging sports arena, located next to Cronemiller Lake.

Events include choker setting, axe throwing, burling, horizontal chop, double bucking, and single bucking. 

For more information, contact Maddie Thompson. 

OSU Army ROTC on Dunn Forest (3/2) and 5k/15k trail run (3/5)

Heads up about a couple of upcoming events on the McDonald-Dunn Forest:

Thursday, March 3rd, the OSU Army ROTC will be using the Dunn Forest for field training exercises. The group will be accessing the Dunn from the 100 Gate.

Saturday, March 5th is the McDonald Forest 5k/15k. Expect to see race participants, volunteers, and administrative vehicles in Peavy Arboretum and throughout the McDonald Forest on this day.

ROTC Training on Dunn Forest 2/19

On Saturday, February 19th, the OSU Army ROTC will be using the Dunn Forest for field training exercises. The group will be accessing the Dunn from the 100 Gate.

The training will cover tactics in timeline management, route planning, and Army leadership dimensions to accomplish the ROTC training objectives.

Note that field trainings on Research Forest property do not involve firearms.

Tree work at Oak Creek Tuesday, Jan. 25th

Heads up! Tomorrow morning, January 25th, arborists are scheduled to trim an oak tree that overhangs the Oak Creek Lab of the Biology Chem Lab building (on the west side of Oak Creek Dr). The tree work will not involve any road closures, but you can expect reduced parking.

Turkey Hunt Applications Open and Dunn Forest Hunt Updates

Updated on: 01/04/2022 - 12:24

Spring Turkey Hunt Application Open

Applications for the Spring Turkey Hunt are now open through January 31st! 

Visit our Hunt Information webpage to apply and for more info.

Any Legal Weapon Controlled 218A N Alsea unit elk hunt now active

The Any Legal Weapon Controlled 218A N Alsea unit elk hunt is now active and will last until March 31st. 

Here are some tips from the USDA Forest Service on hunting safety for hunters and other recreators. 

Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed.

Downed trees throughout Forest

The recent snow and rain brought down many trees and branches throughout the McDonald and Dunn Forests. We plan to address as much as we can as soon as possible, but it may take several days into the new year until everything is cleared. 

In the meantime, please be extra cautious and safe while using the trails and roads.

Help be our eyes and ears! If you encounter downed trees or other hazards while on the Forest, please…

  • Notify our Forest staff.
  • Explain the issue. Describe the situation and type of hazard in as much detail as possible.
  • Report the location. If possible, take a GPS coordinate of your location or use trail names and road numbers to provide a specific location.
  • Take a picture-- pictures can provide staff with important information about the situation and determine what tools will be needed to solve the issue.
  • Include your own contact information so staff can reach you if more information is needed.

 Thank you!

PCT Work at Lewisburg Saddle Complete

Contractors finished the Pre-Commercial Thinning chainsaw work near the Lewisburg Saddle area. Enjoy!

Pre-Commercial Thinning Work at Lewisburg Saddle beginning as early as 12/14

Updated on: 12/13/2021 - 15:44

OSU Research Forests will be doing Pre-Commercial Thinning (PCT) work in the Lewisburg Saddle area along Vineyard Mountain Trail and parts of the 500 Road beginning as early as tomorrow, 12/14 or Wednesday, 12/15. Contractors will use chainsaws to cut small-diameter trees to provide more growing space for others and will leave the cut trees on the ground to decompose. This operation should not involve any long-term closures, but you may hear or encounter chainsaw work. 

Face coverings no longer required outdoors

On Nov. 30, the Benton County Board of Commissioners lifted its county-wide outdoor face-covering requirement, bringing the county into alignment with the updated Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-019-1025 now in effect statewide.

As a result, effective Dec. 1, face coverings are no longer required on OSU Research Forest property. 

We still encourage you to practice physical distancing when possible. Please continue to adhere to the statewide indoor face covering requirements and the Oregon Health Authority’s Public Health Recommendations for face coverings.

700/720 gate access area now open!

Salvage operations near the 700/720 gates are complete. The 700 and 720 gate access points are now open for your use and enjoyment. 

500 Road now open - expect continued road traffic

Updated on: 11/15/2021 - 14:17

The OSU Research Forests completed road grading and the 500 and 600 roads are now open for public use.

However, please note that workers will still be in the area for compactive rolling on the 500 Road throughout the week. For your safety and the safety of our contractors, always remember to yield to construction traffic. 

The 700/720 access area continues to be closed for salvage operations. 

600 road now open; 500 road still closed for road-work

The 600 road is now open!

A portion of the 500 road is still closed for road grading. We anticipate the 500 road closure lasting until Saturday, and will send an update as soon as it is lifted. 

The 700/720 gate access area remains closed for salvage operations. 

Thank you!

Portions of 500 and 600 road closed beginning 11/10/21

Updated on: 11/09/2021 - 19:55

Lots of activity on the Research Forests this week - thank you for your compliance and understanding.

Beginning tomorrow morning, November 10, 2021, portions of the 500 and 600 roads will be graded and temporarily closed to the public. We anticipate this work may take up to two days to complete. We will send out a Forest Update when the closures are lifted. 

Please click this link to see a visual of the closure points and how they may impact your visit.

Salvage operations and 700/720 gate closure on McDonald Forest

Updated on: 11/09/2021 - 16:46

Storms throughout 2021 brought down a number of trees across the forest. The OSU Research Forests are currently salvaging and removing these trees across much of the McDonald Forest. Due to the scattered and rolling nature of the salvage locations, the interactive web map will not be able to show closure sites. Instead, closure notices will be placed on-site.

We will do our best to let you know of closures, but due to the variability in closure duration, location, and contractor availability, we may not be able to send out notices for each operation.

Currently, the 700/720 gate access area is closed for salvage operations. We anticipate the closure lasting through the week. We will send out a Forest Update when the closure is lifted. 

Thank you!

Pile burning beginning 11/8 at Davie Crockett 2 unit

Heads up that OSU Research Forests will be conducting pile burning at the Davie Crockett 2 harvest unit today, November 8, 2021. These efforts do not involve any public closures, but please stay safe by remaining on designated roads and trails. You can expect some smoke in the immediate area. 

Here is an image of the Davie Crockett 2 harvest unit. 

Thank you!

Use Dirt Trails, Not Muddy Trails

October showers bring... muddy trails! 

Reminder that seasonal closures for bikes and horses will go into effect beginning Monday, November 1 through April 14, 2022. During this time, Calloway Creek Trail and Intensive Management trail will be open to foot traffic only.

And remember, "If it leaves a track, time to turn back!"

Please be a trail steward and do not use a trail when travel results in leaving a track in the mud or when there is significant standing water on the trail. This is especially important for our natural surface trails such as Play Time, High Horse, and Bombs Away.

We'll be posting these guidelines about muddy trail use on all Forest kiosks. Help us spread the word to fellow visitors. 

Thank you for using our trails responsibly and honoring the efforts of our awesome volunteers and staff!

Windy Conditions Sunday, 10/24

The National Weather Service recently announced a wind advisory notice for much of the Willamette Valley beginning tomorrow, 10/24 at 8am and lasting into early Monday morning. Gusts may reach 40 mph.

For your safety, we encourage you to please stay out of the forest while these high winds are in effect. Research Forest staff plan to assess the forest for blow down throughout next week.

Thank you!

Slash pile burning beginning on McDonald and Dunn Forests

Heads up! The OSU Research Forests are beginning slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests.
Select ‘slash’, tree branches, tops, and unmerchantable portions of tree stems, have been gathered into piles for burning. Some slash and coarse woody debris are also scattered throughout the harvest area for retention.
Piles are ignited during the fall and winter rainy seasons – typically October, November, and December. Piles are ignited during specific weather windows and under the approval of local fire and smoke managers.
Piles typically burn down to the ground in one day but will smolder for several weeks. Progress of this prescribed burning will be monitored by Research Forests staff.
Slash pile burning is a cost-effective way to perform wildfire hazard mitigation, reduce fuel-loading, and prepare sites for tree planting.

Reduced parking at Lewisburg Saddle 10/19

Updated on: 10/18/2021 - 14:33

The main parking lot at Lewisburg Saddle will be closed from 11am to 4pm tomorrow, October 19th for thermoplastic pavement marking.

During the temporary closure, you are welcome to park in the adjacent overflow parking lot a few hundred yards to the north. 

Thank you!

Bingo 600 harvest complete

Harvest operations for the Bingo 600 harvest unit are complete and closures have been lifted. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’. Check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map

Dunn Forest general any legal weapon deer hunt begins Saturday, October 2nd

Heads up! The Dunn Forest general any legal weapon deer hunt begins Saturday, October 2nd. This hunt will last until November 5th with an extended youth weekend occurring on November 6th and 7th. 

You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Check out our recent newsletter article on hunter and non-hunter safety during hunting season. 

Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed. Click to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest. 

And a couple quick notes about Dunn Forest parking: 

  • Please only park and access the Dunn Forest from the 100, 200, 300, or 400 gates
    • This rule applies to hunters and non-hunters! Please do not park and access the Dunn Forest from the 000 gate or on any other property adjacent to the Forest without the landowner's permission. (Map)
    • We recently completed two harvests along Tampico Road which resulted in new access points into the Forest. It can be tempting to park in these areas. We put up barriers and signs indicating that these are no-parking zones.
  • Help be our eyes and ears: if you see folks parking or accessing the forest illegally, write down the license plate, time, and location, and contact us.

Happy October. 

Road Right of Way (ROW) felling preparations at end of 800 road

Starting Thursday, September, 16th, the Research Forests will begin Road Right of Way (ROW) felling preparations for a 2022 harvest unit located at the end of the 800 road. 

This work will not involve any road or trail closures at this time, but you can expect daily traffic on the 800 road system. For your and everyone’s safety, please yield to vehicular traffic.

Following this work, we will begin construction and rocking of the new road. A new Forest Update will be sent out when those efforts commence.

Thank you! 

Deer/Elk Bow Hunt Begins 8/28 on Dunn Forest

Heads up! The Deer/Elk Bow Hunt on the Dunn Forest begins tomorrow, 8/28, and lasts until 9/26. The hunt picks up again from 11/20-12/12/2021.  Out of the 107 people who applied, 50 individuals were randomly selected and received a letter in the mail allowing access to the Dunn Forest for walk-in hunting.  Hunters may only use a bow to hunt buck deer or bull elk.  

You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips from the USDA Forest Service on hunting safety for hunters and other visitors.   

Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed.

CLICK HERE to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest. 

540 Oak Project and Big Easy harvests now complete

40 Oak Project and Big Easy harvests are complete and closures have been lifted. 

Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go'; check out real-time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map. At this time, the Bingo 600 harvest is the only active harvest on the McDonald-Dunn Forest.

Wearing a mask outdoors

Updated on: 08/20/2021 - 13:21
Next time you head to a trailhead, make sure you grab your mask!
Per Benton County ordinance #D2021-063, everyone must wear a mask in outdoor spaces when 6 feet of social distancing cannot be maintained.

For more information about Benton County mask mandates, please click on the links below:

Thank you for your compliance and understanding!

540 Oak Project Harvest Starts Tomorrow 8/4

Updated on: 08/20/2021 - 13:21


540 Oak Project Harvest Starts Tomorrow 8/4

Approximate Closure Duration:  6 weeks
Closed Roads:  Portions of 540
Closed Trails:   Calloway 540/547 Connector Trail, portions of Calloway Creek Trail, No Calloway Cr. hiking loop access. No equestrian access from the 547 to the 540 road.
Haul Routes:  540 Road-540 Gate, Highway 99W
Detours: 540-547 Connector Trail, portions of Calloway Creek Trail
Size: 15 ac Harvest Method:   Cut-to-length: ground-based harvester/forwarder
Prescription:  Oak restoration: removal of younger conifers and retention of oaks, ash, and older conifers
Reason for Harvest:  Many trees in this stand are dead and dying from drought, pose safety risks along roads and trails and increased fire danger.  Older oaks and ash in this stand are being out-competed by younger conifers.  This  restoration will remove competition, allowing the oak, ash, and older conifer trees to survive. The area will also serve as a fuel break for the Calloway Creek neighborhood (to the east) and demonstrate an oak/ash restoration project in the Willamette Valley. An interpretive display is planned.
Stand Age:  31-80
Additional Considerations:  Harvest is being designed to minimize visual impacts from the trail.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes. The oaks in this area were identified as a high priority for release in the 2008 Legacy Oak Task Force Report.
Click here for a map of the 540 Oak Project Harvest area

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Interactive Webmap or contact us with questions.

Other harvest information:

The Dunn 100 CC & Dunn 190 CC have been completed and all closures have been lifted.

Bingo 600 Harvest Starting 8/11

Updated on: 08/20/2021 - 13:20


Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads:  Portions of 600, 620 and 640.  All of 630.
Closed Trails:   None
Haul Routes:  600 Road– Lewisburg Saddle
Detours: Ridge Trail - Bomb's Away
Size: 72 acres                
Harvest Method: Harvester/Forwarder
Prescription:  Commercial thinning of dead, diseased and suppressed trees.  Spacing will be variable
Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  34
Additional Considerations:  A 400 foot strip below 600 road will be thinned to a wider spacing to reduce crown fuels and improve fire resistance.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes.

Click here for a map of the Bingo 600 harvest area

Dunn 100 and Dunn 190 units are complete


Harvest operations for the Dunn 100 and Dunn 190 units are complete. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’ - check out real time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map. Thank you!

Forest Update: Car Break-Ins

Updated on: 07/26/2021 - 16:00

Unfortunately we learned about two car break-ins over the weekend: one near Lewisburg Saddle and the other at Oak Creek.

The best way to avoid a smash and grab is to:

1. Leave your valuables at home, and
2. Carry your phone, wallet, and keys with you when you leave your vehicle, and

3. Remove any temptation to smash the windows (e.g., empty duffle bags, backpacks, etc.), and
4. Lock your doors and, if possible, arm your vehicle's security system

We also encourage you to be mindful of your surroundings! Before you leave the parking lot, consider photographing or videotaping the other cars and license plates present. This evidence may come in handy in an investigation. This behavior could also deter a thief lying in wait.

Don't just cover up your valuables with a jacket or blanket. Commonly stolen items include GPS devices, radios, bags and purses, phones, keys, wallets, and even loose change.

Information provided by Benton County Sherriff's Office.
Please call BCSO if you see suspicious activity: 541-766-6858

Forest Update: Big Easy Harvest Beginning 7/22. Blitz 210 Harvest Now Complete

The Big Easy Harvest begins tomorrow, 7/22 on the Dunn Forest. This harvest does not involve any road or trail closures. 

Approximate Closure Duration:  2 months
Closed Roads:  None
Closed Trails:   None
Haul Routes:  Tampico Road
Detours: None
Size: 18.6 ac  
Harvest Method:  Ground based harvesting
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (8 trees/acre retained as individuals and in clumped patterns).
Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  78
Additional Considerations:  Approximately 8 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 139 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

Click here for a map of the harvest area

The Blitz 210 harvest on the Dunn Forest is now complete. 

Rocky Road Harvest Complete

Harvest operations for the Rocky Road unit are complete. Some road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

We always encourage you to ‘know before you go’ - check out real time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map. Thank you!

Fire Season in Effect

It is officially fire season. Please be smart and safe this 4th of July weekend.

Remember that OSU Research Forests prohibits the following activities on ALL roads, trails, parking areas, and lands:

-  No smoking or vaping (even in parking areas and parked cars!)

-  No campfires or party fires

-  No fireworks, sparklers, or anything that produces a flame

-  No use of spark producing devices (e.g., chainsaws, mowers, weed-eaters, and motor vehicles)

If you see a fire while out on the forest, CALL 911!

THANK YOU for complying and helping to be our eyes and ears so we can keep our forests and communities safe for everyone.

Fall Dunn Forest Hunt Applications Now Open. Vineyard Mountain Trail Open.

Deer and Elk Hunt Applications Open NOW Through 7/31
Applications for the 2021 Dunn Forest Deer/Elk Archery Hunt, General Any Legal Weapon Deer Hunt, and Archery Controlled 218R Alsea Unit Elk Hunt will be accepted between July 1-July, 31, 2021.

Visit our Hunt Information page for more information and to apply! 

Vineyard Mountain Trail Fully Open
We completed restoration work and the Vineyard Mountain Trail is now fully open for your enjoyment. Have fun!

Davie Crockett 2 & 3 Harvests Complete. Staying Safe this Weekend.


Davie Crockett 2 & Davie Crockett 3 Harvests Completed

The Davie Crockett 2 & 3 Harvests are complete. Please continue to use caution and watch for uneven terrain. Note that a small section of the Vineyard Mountain Trail is currently closed for restoration work. You can use the 5010 road as a detour. Click here to view the trail closure section and detour. This closure is not indicated on the Interactive Harvest Web Map.

Excessive Heat Warning: Use extreme caution on the forest this weekend

Please keep yourself and the forests safe during the upcoming extreme heat event.

Wildfire risk:
Remember: smoking, open flame, and motorized recreation are PROHIBITED on the Research Forests. Learn more about fire safety and prevention here.

Your safety:
Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities.

Cooling centers will be available for community members throughout the region. Click these links for cooling resources in Benton County, and greater Willamette Valley.

McDonald and Dunn Forests Now Fully Open. Roadside Herbicide Application Complete

Thank you for your patience and cooperation! The roadside herbicide application is complete and the McDonald and Dunn Forests are OPEN to public.

We placed bright stickers on signs at trailheads - these stickers contain specific information about the herbicide application and will remain in place for one week.

Remember that harvest closures remain in effect. Visit our Interactive Web Map to see updates of current harvest operations.

Enjoy the Forest and stay cool this weekend! Click here for tips and reminders about staying safe in hot weather.

Roadside Herbicide Application Update: Northern portion of McDonald Forest now OPEN to public

The northern portion of the McDonald Forest (from Lewisburg Saddle to Peavy Arboretum) and Elizabeth Starker Cameron Tract are now OPEN to public. 

The southern portion of the McDonald Forest (from Lewisburg Saddle to Oak Creek) and Dunn Forest remain CLOSED as roadside herbicide application continues.  Please see bright stickers posted on signs at trailheads for specific information about the herbicide application.

Click here for a map of current closure and re-opening locations*.

*Please note that harvest closures remain in effect. Visit our Interactive Web Map to see updates of current harvest operations.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Dunn 100 Harvest Beginning 6/22

Updated on: 06/21/2021 - 14:54

Heads up that the Dunn 100 Harvest will begin tomorrow, June 22nd.

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads:  Portions of the 100 Road
Closed Trails: None
Haul Routes:  100 Road to 100 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 4.9 acres          
Harvest Method: Ground-based harvester/forwarder
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (4 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  75
Additional Considerations: Approximately 4 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 37 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

View map of the closure area

OSU Research Forests to be Closed 6/21-6/23 for Roadside Herbicide Spray

The OSU Research Forests will be spraying all roads, roadside ditches, and cut-banks on the McDonald, Dunn, and Cameron Forests. These forests are planned to be closed to the public from June 21-23, 2021.  The timing of the closure is subject to change, depending on contractor availability and weather conditions. 

As work locations will vary throughout the closure, we hope to open segments of the forest to public use as we complete work. 

We will post signs at each forest gate announcing the upcoming application. On the day of application, we will add the chemical name and its date of application. 

The herbicide application operation will consist of a pilot vehicle, a truck spraying chemical, and a chase vehicle.  Roadside spraying occurs once every two years to help control the spread of invasive weeds and to protect the integrity of the road bed and ditches.

If you have any questions about roadside spraying on the OSU Research Forests, please contact us

If you have any questions regarding specific chemicals, please contact the National Pesticide Information Center at 1-800-858-7378 or via email

Dunn 190 Harvest Beginning Tomorrow, 6/15

Updated on: 06/15/2021 - 13:09

190 Dunn CC Harvest Information

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads:  190 Road
Closed Trails:  
Haul Routes: 
100 Road to 100 Gate
Size: 9.4 acres Harvest Method:   Ground based harvesting
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (4 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.

Stand Age:  77
Additional Considerations:  Approximately 4 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 37 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

View map of closure area

Davie Crockett 2 Harvest Begins June 11th

Updated on: 06/10/2021 - 09:53

Davie Crockett 2 Harvest Information:

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads:  Portion of 500 road, all of 5010 road
Closed Trails:   Portions of Vineyard Mountain Trail
Haul Routes:  500 Road to Lewisburg Saddle
Detours: None
Size: 13.5 acres        
Harvest Method: Ground based harvesting
Prescription: Variable Retention Regeneration Harvest
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  74
Additional Considerations:  Approximately 8 trees per acre have been designated for retention.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes
View map of Davie Crockett 2 closure area

You can also check out our Interactive Harvest Webmap for regularly updated closure and harvest information so you can plan a safe and informed visit. 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Rocky Road and Blitz 210 Harvest Begins June 8th. Hammerhead Harvest complete on June 8th.

Updated on: 06/10/2021 - 09:53

Rocky Road and Blitz 210 harvests will begin tomorrow, June 8

Rocky Road Harvest Information:

Approximate Closure Duration: 1 month                                                                                                                                    
Closed Roads: 1020, Portions of 100 road
Closed Trails:  None
Haul Routes:  100 Road to 100 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 4.9 acres          
Harvest Method: Ground based harvesting
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (3 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
Reason for Harvest: This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age: 85
Additional Considerations: Approximately 3 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 13 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes.

View map of Rocky Road closure area
Blitz 210 Harvest Information:

Approximate Closure Duration
:  2 months
Closed Roads:  210 Road
Closed Trails:   None
Haul Routes:  200 Road- 200 Gate
Detours: None
Size: 32 acres           
Harvest Method:   Ground based harvesting
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (3.6 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal. Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  80
Additional Considerations:  Approximately 4 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 53 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan?: Yes.

View map of Blitz 210 closure area
Hammerhead Harvest

Hammerhead Harvest will be completed tomorrow, June 8th. Please note that road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain

You can also check out our Interactive Harvest Webmap for regularly updated closure and harvest information so you can plan a safe and informed visit. 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.

Summer Herbicide Application and Davie Crockett 3 Harvest beginning tomorrow, June 2nd

Forest Update: 06/01/2021

Summer Herbicide Application
The summer herbicide application will likely occur tomorrow, Wednesday, June 2nd and Thursday, June 3rd this week (weather depending). During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of spray locations click here.

Davie Crockett 3 Harvest Information
The Davie Crockett 3 harvest will begin tomorrow, June 2. 

Approximate Closure Duration:  1 month
Closed Roads:  Portion of 500 Road, 5020 Road
Closed Trails:   None
Haul Routes:  500 Road to Lewisburg Saddle
Detours: Dave's Trail
Size: 9.2 acres
Harvest Method:   Ground based harvesting
Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (4 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.
Stand Age:  85
Additional Considerations:  Approximately 4 trees per acre have been designated for retention for wildlife and aesthetic purposes, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 34 trees.
Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

View map of Davie Crockett 3 closure area 

You can also check out our Interactive Harvest Webmap for regularly updated closure and harvest information so you can plan a safe and informed visit. 

Information about forest closures is located at key access points, and closures are clearly marked on-site. For more information about forest closures and forest management activities, please visit our Harvest Closures Interactive Webmap and contact us with questions.


COVID-19 Update

It certainly has been a tough year. We extend a big thank you to all of you for following our mask and physical distancing guidelines. By doing so, you have played a crucial role in making the Research Forests a safe, accessible, and healthy outlet for all of us during this turbulent pandemic.

Due to the recent updated guidelines issued by Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the updates to the OSU policy on face covering and physical distancing, we are happy to announce that face coverings are no longer required outdoors on Research Forest property. However, if the outdoor setting is crowded, or physical distancing cannot be maintained, then you need to continue to wear your mask.

The Research Forest will continue to comply with all OHA and OSU guidelines. We will keep you informed if any of these policies change and how that may affect your visit to the Forest. Stay safe out there friends – and enjoy the sunny weather ahead!

Summer Herbicide Application to start as early as Tuesday, June 1st

The OSU Research Forests will conduct an herbicide application as early as Tuesday, June 1, 2021*.  Exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability. Click here to view a map of the spray locations.

We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

The purpose of the herbicide application is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.  

**Two small spot spray treatments will occur at the Society of American Foresters Tree Farm (520 Road) and Woodlot (524 Road). These sprays may be conducted as early as May 29th. Note that these locations are not indicated on the full-scale map. Signage will be posted on-site.

Beginning 5/24, Tree Removal Work at Oak Creek

Updated on: 05/23/2021 - 14:14

Starting Monday, May 24th, arborists will be removing trees near the Oak Creek Biology Field Office. Please be aware of contractor equipment and crews in the Oak Creek trailhead parking area.  No closures are planned for this operation. However, during tree felling operations you may encounter traffic control and flaggers in the area.
These activities are planned to begin Monday, May 24th at 8:00am and are scheduled for the entire week.


    ROTC Training on Dunn Forest

    Heads up! This Thursday, May 20th, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. the OSU Army ROTC will be using the Dunn Forest for field training exercises. The group will be accessing the Dunn from the 100 Gate. The training event aims to put land navigation theory into practice in the outdoors. Students will be using a map and compass and travel dismounted through areas in the Dunn Forest to find specific points. Note that fielding trainings on Research Forest property do not involve firearms. 

    Cross CTL Harvest Now Complete

    Updated on: 05/14/2021 - 10:47


    Harvest operations for Cross CTL are complete and visitors can use the 6021 roads on the McDonald Forest. Please note that road work still needs to be completed, so please use caution and watch for uneven terrain. 

    We encourage you to ‘know before you go’ - check out real time harvest updates with our Interactive Harvest Closure Map. Have a great weekend! 


    No parking at the 200 gate on the Dunn Forest

    Updated on: 05/07/2021 - 12:19

    Parking at the 200 gate on the Dunn Forest is closed to the public until further notice. This closure is needed to allow space for hauling long (100+ feet) transmission poles for the active Hammerhead harvest operation. Thank you for staying safe and complying with these harvest closures! 

    Check out our Interactive Harvest Web Map for updated closure information.

    McDonald Forest 50K Saturday May 8

    The McDonald Forest 50K trail run is happening this Saturday, 5/8/2021, throughout the McDonald Forest. Start and finish lines will be at the Forestry Club Cabin in Peavy Arboretum, but the course extends throughout the forest. Expect to see contact-less aid stations, course markings, administrative traffic, and runners while out on the forest on Saturday.

    Runners and event organizers will do their part to ensure the event is safe for everyone. All participants will be required to wear masks when within 6 feet of one another and will comply with all applicable Oregon Health Authority (OHA) sector guidelines. Please visit the Mac50k website for more information.

    Hammerhead Harvest and Dunn Salvage Starting Thursday, 4/29

    Updated on: 04/28/2021 - 12:33

    Hammerhead harvest on the Dunn beginning Thursday 4/29

    Approximate Closure Duration: 2 months
    Closed Roads:  260 & 320 roads
    Closed Trails: 
    Haul Routes: 
    200 Road– 200 Gate & 300 Road-300 Gate
    Size: 32.5 acres  

    Harvest Method:   Ground based harvesting
    Prescription:  Regeneration harvest with structural retention (4 trees/acre retained as individuals and in a clumped pattern).
    Reason for Harvest:  This timber harvest contributes to the overall sustainable harvest goal.  Revenue supports Research Forests operations and teaching and research within the College of Forestry.

    Stand Age:  77
    Additional Considerations:  Approximately 4 trees per acre have been designated for retention, exceeding requirements of the Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA) by 53 trees.
    Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes.

    View map of Hammerhead Harvest closure area

    Dunn Forest Salvage Information

    Winter storms brought down a number of trees across the Forest. The Research Forests will begin some of the salvaging operations on the Dunn Forest this Thursday 4/29/2021.

    Due to the scattered nature of the salvage, the interactive web map will not be able show these closure locations. These will be 'floating closures' with closure notices placed onsite - moving to capture the closed areas with the least impact to the public.  

    Visit our virtual harvest tour for more information about the McDonald and Dunn salvage operations.                                                                                                                                                            

    Cross CTL Harvest Starting Wednesday, 04/28

    Updated on: 04/28/2021 - 11:24

    Cross CTL Harvest Information

    Note: There will be reduced parking at Oak Creek Trailhead on Wednesday 04/28

    Approximate Closure Duration: 6 weeks

    Closed Roads: 6021.1, 6021.3, portions of 6021

    Closed Trails: No authorized trails will be affected; all unauthorized trails leading into the harvest area will be closed; neighborhood access will be closed

    Haul Routes: 6021 to 600 Road

    Detours: None

    Size: 15.1 ac

    Harvest Method: Cut-to-length: ground-based harvester/forwarder

    Prescription: Commercial thinning (several small entries totaling 15.1 acres)

    Reason For Harvest: Remove slow growing, diseased, and suppressed trees to allow continued growth of remaining conifers. Harvest designed to maintain long-term Urban Fringe Research Project prescription

    Stand Age: 32

    Additional Considerations: None

    Consistent w/ McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan? Yes


    View map of closure area



    Recreating in Cougar Country

    Updated on: 04/22/2021 - 12:24


    We are in cougar country! Within the past two weeks we have received three reports of cougar sightings within the McDonald Forest.

    Despite how elusive these large cats can be, cougar sightings are incredibly common in the Research Forests, especially in late spring and summer when one to two-year-old cougars become independent of their mothers. Cougars are most active at dusk and dawn but can roam and hunt throughout the day or night in all seasons. Adult male cougars can have ranges up to 150 square miles; just because a cougar was sighted in one area doesn’t mean it will hang around there for long.


    On this Earth Day we wanted to send out a special Forest Update to provide helpful tips and information for recreating and living in cougar country.


    • Be especially alert at dawn and dusk when cougars are most active
    • MAKE NOISE while hiking to reduce the chance of surprising a cougar.
    • Recreate in groups if you can
    • Keep children close by and teach them these wildlife tips!
    • Be aware of your surroundings. Stay alert when sitting quietly or stopping to rest.
    • Hunters! Be aware that animal calls and animal kills can attract cougars
    • Dogs can attract cougars. Keep your dogs close and consider keeping them on-leash.
    • Stay away from baby wildlife. The mother is most likely near by.


    • Cougars will often retreat if given the opportunity. Leave the animal a way to escape.
    • STAY CALM and stand your ground.
    • Maintain direct eye contact.
    • Raise your voice and speak firmly. Back away slowly.
    • Pick up children, but do so without bending down or turning your back on the cougar.
    • DO NOT RUN. Running triggers a chase response in cougars, which could lead to an attack.
    • If the cougar seems aggressive, raise your arms to make yourself look larger and clap your hands.
    • If in the very unusual event that a cougar attacks you, fight back with rocks, sticks, tools or any items available.



    Report any cougar sighting or encounter to our local Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office (ODFW) (541) 757-4186. If you can, provide ODFW with information about where and when the encounter took place, the circumstances of the encounter (how did the cougar behave, what were you doing when you saw the cougar), and a way for them to contact you for more information.

    Here is a link to an excellent brochure that contains these guidelines for living in cougar country.


    Stay safe out there! We are fortunate to live, work, and play among these majestic creatures who also consider these forests their home.

    (Photo and tracks courtesy of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife)

    Special Forest Announcement: 2021 Harvest Schedule and Virtual Tour Now Available 

    Updated on: 04/20/2021 - 10:37

    Due to the on-going nature of COVID-19, this year the OSU Research Forests created a virtual tour of the upcoming 2021 McDonald-Dunn timber harvests. The purpose of these tours is to give you an opportunity to view our upcoming timber harvest units and provide us with comments and/or questions. Click here to see the tour.

    After viewing the tour, please submit your questions or comments to our contact-us page

     To stay up to date with harvests and their corresponding road and trail closures check out our Interactive Harvest Web-Map. This web-map is updated regularly so you can plan a safe and informed visit to the forest. We also prepared this Harvest Schedule Table which you can download and print. This table also includes all of the harvest details as well as maps denoting harvest locations.

    Oak Creek access CLOSED tomorrow and spring herbicide application complete


    Oak Creek Closure TOMORROW, April 20th
    Friendly reminder! Consumers Power is removing hazard trees this week. The Oak Creek trailhead and parking lot will be fully CLOSED tomorrow, Tuesday, April 20thPlease avoid the area.

    Herbicide Application Completed
    Spring herbicide applications on harvest units were completed last week on Thursday, April 15th and Friday, April 16th. Signs placed throughout the forest will remain in place for one week.

    Upcoming Oak Creek Closure, Herbicide Application Update, and More

    Updated on: 04/13/2021 - 09:50



    Heads up! Consumers Power will be felling hazard trees between April 19th and April 21st close to the entrance to the Oak Creek trail head. The Oak Creek trailhead and parking lot will be fully CLOSED on Tuesday, April 20th. The remaining days will have work crews and flaggers directing traffic.

    Need help thinking of an alternative place to recreate? Check out the Right Trail website - a comprehensive and interactive resource for trail locations and recreation options throughout the mid-Willamette Valley.


    The spring herbicide application will likely occur on Thursday, April 15th and Friday April 16th this week (weather depending). During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical. For more information and for a map of spray locations, click here.


    The student logging operation is postponing operations for the summer. That means the 810 and 830 roads and the Alpha trail are OPEN for public use. As a reminder, post-harvest road work has yet to be completed. Please be cautious when recreating on the forest roads and watch for uneven terrain.


    The Spring Turkey Hunt will be occurring on the Dunn Forest starting this Thursday, April 15th and lasting through May 31st.  The hunts are walk-in (no motorized vehicles) and hunters may use a shotgun or bow to hunt turkey with a visible beard.  
    You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips from the US Fish and Wildlife Service on hunting safety for hunters and other recreators. 

    Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed.

    CLICK HERE to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest.

    Spring Herbicide Application to start as early as Monday, April 12th

    Updated on: 04/06/2021 - 12:53


    The OSU Research Forests plan to spray harvest units as early as Monday, April 12, 2021.  Exact dates are dependent on weather conditions and contractor availability.

    We will spray all treatment units on the McDonald and Dunn Forests using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

    During application, staff will be at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Please see the on-site signs for re-entry times associated with each chemical.

    Signs will have the date of application, name of the chemical used, and the industrial re-entry interval posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

    The purpose of herbicide applications is to control the growth of non-native plant species and competing vegetation in recently harvested areas. All herbicide applications are conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under a licensed pesticide applicator's supervision.  

    Click here for a map of the spray locations throughout the McDonald-Dunn Forests


    Helpful Info About Downed Trees on Roads

    Updated on: 03/30/2021 - 13:32


    These sunny spring days means more and more of us are seeking outdoor opportunities! However, while enjoying the forests, you may continue to encounter downed trees on roads and trails.

    We wanted to use this Forest Update to share our strategy for prioritizing and clearing roads. In general, we prioritize all roads that end with 00 (e.g., 500, 700 roads, etc.). These roads are our mainline arteries through the Forest. Then we drop down to the roads ending in tens (e.g., 510, 840 roads, etc.) -- then we address roads ending in single digits (e.g., 514, 681 roads, etc.) These aren’t hard and fast rules; sometimes we make efficiency calls if we are close to a mainline and it would take more time to return to the location than clear the downed tree.

    Confused by all these road names? Click here for a map of the McDonald Dunn.

    Another big priority is clearing roads that need to be used for management and research activities, such as an upcoming herbicide spray, planting, or harvest. And some areas may need to wait for drier weather. For example, some of our natural surface roads are wet and muddy, so it’ll be safer and more efficient to wait for them to dry out.

    Most importantly, as a forest visitor we ask you to never cut standing or down trees to help clear the roads and trails. We often try to salvage the downed timber and rogue cutting has the potential to compromise the value of the timber. Instead please report the downed tree:

    • Notify our forest staff
    • Explain the issue. Describe the situation and type of hazard in as much detail as possible (e.g., send an estimate of the diameter of the tree at breast height)
    • Report the location. If possible report GPS coordinates, or specify the location on the trail, and/or estimated distance from nearest access point
    • Take a picture-- pictures can provide us with important information about the situation and determine what tools will be needed to solve the issue
    • Include your own contact information so we can reach you if more information is needed

    We promise to address reported trees as soon as we can – especially once we consider it within our prioritized downed tree list and other work responsibilities.

    THANK YOU for helping to be our eyes and ears on the Forest. Happy trails (and roads)!

    January Elk Hunt Active On Dunn Forest

    Updated on: 03/17/2021 - 13:57

    218A NE Alsea Controlled Elk Hunt Active through March 31st on the Dunn Forest

    The 218A NE Alsea Controlled Elk Hunt is occurring on the Dunn Forest. All hunters were sent a permission letter in the mail, granting them access to the Dunn Forest for walk-in hunting.  Hunters may use a rifle or bow, and are hunting for antlerless elk (cows).  

    You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips from the USDA Forest Service on hunting safety for hunters and other recreators. 

    Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed, for your reference.

    Staff Continuing to Address Downed Trees

    Updated on: 03/10/2021 - 12:49


    We are continuing to address many downed trees and branches across our roads and trails. Many trail sections still have fallen trees blocking the trail, especially in the Arboretum along the Woodland Trail and Forest Discovery Trail. We are working to clear these areas as soon as possible. In the meantime, please use extra caution while recreating.
    If you encounter downed trees or other hazards on the trail please…
      • Notify our forest staff
      • Explain the issue. Describe the situation and type of hazard in as much detail as possible
      • Report the location. If possible, take a GPS coordinate of your location or use trail names and road numbers to provide a specific location
      • Take a picture-- pictures can provide staff important information about the situation and determine what tools will be needed to solve the issue
      • Include your own contact information so staff can reach you if more information is needed

      ROTC Training on the Dunn Forest

      Updated on: 03/05/2021 - 10:49


      Heads up! This Saturday, March 6th, from 5:30am to 6:00pm, the OSU Army ROTC will be using the Dunn Forest for field training exercises. They will be accessing the Dunn from the 100 Gate. The exercises will include route planning, timeline management, and leadership development. Field trainings on Research Forest property never involve gunfire or firearms.

      McDonald-Dunn Forest Open - Please be Extra Cautious on Trails

      Updated on: 02/19/2021 - 16:44
      Thank you for your patience so we could assess and respond to ice storm damage. The McDonald-Dunn Forest is OPEN for use. We prioritized clearing the roadways and access points, so many trail sections still contain fallen trees and branches. Please use extra caution while you're recreating!
      Reports indicate that Tampico Road and the 400 Gate to the Dunn Forest still contain downed power lines. Please avoid this area so crews can safely respond. And remember to NEVER touch, park on, or go near a downed line.
      Happy and Safe Trails!

      Hazardous Conditions on the Research Forests: Please avoid the area until further notice

      Updated on: 02/16/2021 - 15:22
      The ice storm brought down numerous trees which are blocking access to much of the Research Forest. Forest staff will be prioritizing their clearing efforts on roadways and access points before turning to trails. To help with these efforts, we ask you to please avoid the Research Forests so staff can safely assess and respond to the damage. 
      Reported downed power line locations (power companies notified):
      -A downed power line has been identified on the 522 Road, about 50 yards from the Intensive Management Trail in Peavy Arboretum. 
      - Downed lines are along Tampico road and at the Gate 400 parking area. 
      Please avoid these areas and do not park on, touch, or go near the lines! If you encounter a downed power line, call 1-877-508-5088 to report it.
      Note that the power is out at the Research Forest office so phone and email response may be slow. We will do our best to continue to provide updates via Facebook and on our website as they unfold. Thank you!

      Use Extra Caution on the Research Forests this Weekend

      Updated on: 02/13/2021 - 11:29


      Last night's rain and ice storm brought down many trees and branches throughout the Research Forests. If you're planning to recreate this weekend, please be EXTRA cautious and safe while using the trails. 

      ROTC Training on the Dunn Forest

      Updated on: 02/10/2021 - 16:21


       Heads up! The Oregon State University Army ROTC will be conducting field training on the Dunn Forest near the 100 Gate. Training events will take place on Thursday, February 11 from 2 to 5 p.m. and Saturday, February 20 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

      FOREST UPDATE: 01/28/2021

      This morning forest crews got to work removing the large hazard tree located on the Forest Discovery Trail. After many tense moments crews were able to successfully get the tree on the ground. We are happy to announce that the Forest Discovery Trail in now open for your hiking enjoyment. 

      FOREST UPDATE: 01/21/2021


      Beginning on Jan. 21, 2021, the Forest Discovery Trail will be closed for safety reasons. Last week's storm brought significant winds to the area and, as a result, brought down lots of trees and significantly damaged others. One of the damaged trees currently hangs over the trail, is severely decayed, and can fall at any time. Due to the amount of decay, forest staff cannot safely remove the hazard at present but are working on a plan to remove it soon.


      FOREST UPDATE: 12/30/2020

      FOREST UPDATE: 12/30/2020

      Starting tomorrow 12/31/20 the 800 road and parking area will open for recreation use. However, please be advised that the 810, 830, and 620 roads and the Alpha Trail will remain closed as logging operations will be ongoing for the Turkey Run harvest unit .  Be advised that there will be haul trucks using the roads.

      Forest Update: Weather Alert 12/19/20

      Forest Update: Weather Alert


      Meteorologists are forecasting an atmospheric river and high winds for Saturday afternoon and evening going into Sunday.  High winds can snap or topple trees and break out tree limbs that can cause serious injury.  We recommend that you stay out of the Research Forests until this weather event passes.  Be safe! 


      Crazy Quilt PCT 2020

      Posted 12/14/2020 Crazy Quilt Pre-Commercial Thinning Starting 12/14

      Crazy Quilt PCT 2020 Harvest Information
      Approximate Closure Duration:  3-4 Days
      Closed Roads: None
      Closed Trails: None
      Haul Routes: None
      Size: 24 acres, (6 patches, 4 acres each)
      Harvest Method: Hand Felling
      Silvicultural Prescription: Pre-Commercial Thinning
      Reason for Harvest: Cutting of undesirable trees and allowing for continued growing of desirable trees. 
      Stand Age: 
      Additional Considerations:
      Consistent w/ McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan?  Yes

      View map of closure area.

      November 21 Trail Work Cancelled

      Updated on: 11/17/2020 - 09:48

      As we move in to the 2020-21 trail work season, the number of COVID-19 cases statewide is spiking. In order to slow the numbers, Governor Kate Brown announced a statewide two-week “freeze” that will limit both indoor and outdoor social gatherings to six people, total, from no more than two households.

      In order for us to comply with this new mandate we will be cancelling the November 21st work party.  

      We will attempt to reschedule for 3rd Saturday in December.


      Slash Pile Burning Will Begin Soon on McDonald Dunn Forests

      The OSU Research Forests will begin slash pile burning on the McDonald and Dunn Forests soon.

      Select 'slash', tree branches, tops, and unmerchantable portions of tree stems, have been gathered into piles for burning. Some slash and coarse woody debris are also scattered throughout the harvest area for retention.

      Pile ignition occurs during the fall and winter rainy seasons – typically October through January. The work happens during specific weather windows to reduce smoke intrusions into neighborhoods. The Research Forests perform this work with local fire and smoke managers' approval.

      Piles typically burn down to the ground in one day, but some piles may smolder for days to a few weeks. Research Forests staff will monitor the progress of this prescribed burning.

      Slash pile burning is a cost-effective way to perform wildfire hazard mitigation, reduce fuel-loading, and prepare sites for tree planting.

      Bingo VRRH Complete, 600 Road Now Open

      Posted 11/06/2020    600 Road Closures Lifted

      Harvest operations for BINGO VRRH are complete and visitors are welcome to use the 600 road to access Dimple hill 
      Please be aware that  road work remains to be completed, though no closures are anticipated for these activities.

      View these updates on our Harvest Closures Map.

      Seasonal Trail Closures in Effect Beginning 11/1/2020-4/14/2021

      Seasonal closures for bikes and horses will go into effect beginning Sunday, November 1, through April 14, 2021. Calloway Creek Trail and Intensive Management Trail will be open to foot traffic only.

      Also, remember the use of any trail is not allowed when travel will result in leaving a track in the mud or when there is significant standing water on the trail. This is especially important for natural surface trails such as Play Time, High Horse, and Bombs Away.

      Cougar Sighting

      There was a cougar sighting on Monday afternoon near the 560 Road and Powder House Trail intersection. Please keep cougar safety in mind when recreating on the McDonald and Dunn Forests. If you encounter a cougar:

      Report any cougar sightings or encounters to ODFW: (541) 757-4186


      Cameron CTL Complete, Cameron Forest Now Open

      Updated on: 10/23/2020 - 11:22

      Posted 10/23/2020    Cameron Road Closures Lifted

      Harvest operations for Cameron CTL are complete and visitors are welcome to use the C100 road on the Cameron Forest. Please be aware that road work remains to be completed, though no closures are anticipated for these activities.

      Bingo VRRH Harvest Starting Tomorrow Wednesday, 10/22

      Posted 10/21/2020 Bingo VRRH Harvest Starting Wednesday, 10/22

      Bingo VRRH Harvest Information
      Approximate Closure Duration: 3 weeks
      Closed Roads:  Portions of the 600, 630, and 640 Roads
      Closed Trails:  None.  Enjoy the new Bombs Away Trail as a detour around the harvest closure.
      Haul Routes:  600 Road to Lewisburg Saddle.
      Detours:  Bombs Away Trail
      Size:  8.7 ac
      Harvest Method:  Ground-based
      Prescription:  Variable Retention Regeneration Harvest (VRRH):  approximately 11.5 trees/acre retained in a variable retention pattern. Replanting planned for 2022 with a mix of tree species (demonstration).                                                                               
      Reason for Harvest:  Many trees in the stand are dead or dying from ice storm damage, drought, or insects, posing safety risks along roads and trails and increasing fuel loads.  Variable Retention Regeneration Harvest VRRH allows managers to remove declining trees while retaining structural diversity, part of the forest theme for this area. This exposed ridgetop will be replanted with a mix of resilient species.
      Stand Age: 73 - 75 
      Additional Considerations: Approximately 11.5 trees per acre will be left in the stand, exceeding requirements of Oregon Forest Practices Act (FPA). Harvest was designed with uneven boundaries, carefully placed trees within the unit, and trees left along the roadside to retain shade and reduce impacts on aesthetics.                                                                                                               
      Consistent w/ McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan? Exception granted by the FEC:

      View map of closure area.

      Peavy Arboretum Closure Lifted

      -UPDATE- 09.30.20

      Herbicide treatments are completed and Peavy Arboretum is now open.

      The OSU Research Forests also applied herbicides along the Highway 99 powerline right-of-way. All herbicide treatments were applied using backpack sprayers to target invasive plants.

      Signs are posted at the treatment units and contain the application time, herbicide active ingredients, and re-entry interval. Signs will remain in place for one week.

      Peavy Arboretum will be closed tomorrow, September 30, 2020

      -UPDATE- 09.29.20

      Peavy Arboretum will be closed tomorrow, September 30, 2020, for herbicide treatments to control the following invasive plants: Himalayan blackberry, scotch broom, English hawthorn, and periwinkle.

      The OSU Research Forests will also treat invasive plants in the Highway 99 powerline right-of-way.

      This will be a spot treatment conducted with backpack sprayers. Signs posted at the treatment units will contain the application time, herbicide active ingredients, and re-entry interval.

      Invasive Species Spray Planned for Week of September 28th

      The OSU Research Forests plan to spray for invasive plant species, such as Himalayan blackberry, along the Highway 99 power line right of way and in Peavy Arboretum the week of September 28, 2020.

      All treatment units will be sprayed using backpack sprayers.  Spray targets vegetation only (not road or trail surfaces).

      During application, staff will be positioned at roads and official trails leading into spray areas to keep people away.  Peavy Arboretum will be closed for 24 hours after the treatment. 

      Date of application, name of the herbicide active ingredient, and the industrial re-entry interval will be written on signs posted at entry points into each treatment area. Signs will remain in place for one week.

      This herbicide application will be conducted in compliance with State and Federal regulations and under the supervision of a licensed pesticide applicator.  

      View Notices


      Forests will be open for all uses beginning on Friday, Sept. 18, at 1:00 p.m

      The Oregon State University Research Forests will be open for all uses beginning on Friday, Sept. 18, at 1:00 p.m. as the Industrial Fire Precaution Level moves to level three.

      The current fire danger level is HIGH, so please use the forests responsibly. With several lightning strikes in the Research Forests last night, please remember to CALL 911 immediately if you see a fire while out on the forest.  We rely on our wonderful visitors to serve as eyes and ears to help us identify and address problems immediately.


      Stay safe and well.

      OSU Forests To Remain Closed Until Further Notice

      The Oregon Department of Forestry just upgraded the Industrial Fire Precaution Level to Level 4 - Complete Shutdown. The Oregon State University McDonald and Dunn Forests will remain closed to everyone and for all uses, including research, education, recreation, contractors, and harvest activities. 

      The closure is necessary due to the current extreme fire conditions that are endangering life, forest resources, and property, as well as minimal fire and emergency response resources. We will provide an update when the status changes.


      Stay Safe. Stay Home. Stay Healthy.

      Extreme Fire Danger Rating, beginning Saturday, 9/5

      As hot and dry weather continues, the District Forester has announced that Regulated Use Fire Risk in Western Oregon will be going to EXTREME on Saturday, 9/5/20. 

      Please review the Oregon Department of Forestry Public Use Restrictions. Keep these in mind as you use motorized equipment or recreate on any public or private lands.

      In ADDITION to the restrictions described by ODF through Public Regulated Use, OSU Research Forests prohibits the following activities on all roads, trails, parking areas and lands, year-round:  

      • No smoking or vaping (even in parking areas or parked cars)
      • No campfires or party fires
      • No fireworks
      • No use of spark producing devices (such as chainsaws, mowers, weed eaters and vehicles)

      If you see a fire while out on the forest, CALL 911!  We rely on our wonderful visitors to serve as eyes and ears to help us identify and address problems immediately.

      Extreme Fire Danger Sign

      Cameron Harvest Starting Wednesday, 9/2

      Cameron CTL 2020 Harvest Information
      Approximate Closure Duration:  4 weeks
      Closed Roads: C100 Road
      Closed Trails: No authorized trails will be affected; all unauthorized trails leading into the harvest area will be closed.
      Haul Routes: Soap Creek Rd.
      Size: 5.2 ac    Harvest Method: Cut-to-length: ground-based harvester/forwarder
      Silvicultural Prescription: Commercial thinning
      Reason for Harvest: Remove slow growing, diseased, and dying trees to allow continued growth of remaining conifers and to promote recovery of suppressed oaks while demonstrating thinning of small acreages for woodland owners.
      Stand Age: 44
      Additional Considerations: Harvest is designed to enhance growth and recovery of suppressed oaks along the edge of the stand.
      Consistent w/ McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan?  N/A - Elizabeth Starker Cameron Demonstration Forest does not fall under 2005 McDonald-Dunn Forest Plan.

      View map of closure area.

      The Forest Discovery Program is Here!

      This September, the OSU Research Forests are introducing the Forest Discovery Program. The program materials consist of the Forest Discovery Brochure, which includes a kid-friendly Adventure Map and Nature Scavenger Hunt, and the Forest Discovery Activity Card Sets that pair with seven activity stops along the trail!

      See what the Forest Discovery Program is all about!

      IFPL 3 in Effect Tuesday, 9/1

      Updated on: 09/01/2020 - 11:54

      Update: Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) 3 goes into effect today (9/1/2020) in preparation for the wave of increased temperatures. The OSU Research Forests are taking increased precautions to mitigate the HIGH FIRE RISK. Please remain careful and vigilant! 

      Original Message: Beginning today (7/6/2020) the State Forester with Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has declared Fire Season in effect at Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) 1 and the start of Public Regulated Use.  Industrial Fire Precaution Levels regulate how operations are conducted on forest lands protected by ODF.  OSU Research Forests staff, researchers, and volunteers follow these regulations carefully to protect forest resources and neighboring properties. Public Regulated Use describes restrictions to public use of lands protected by ODF and all forest lands within one-eighth of a mile.  

      In ADDITION to the restrictions described by ODF through Public Regulated Use, OSU Research Forests prohibits the following activities on all roads, trails, parking areas and lands, year-round:  

      • No smoking or vaping (even in parking areas or parked cars)
      • No campfires or party fires
      • No fireworks
      • No use of spark producing devices (such as chainsaws, mowers, weed eaters and vehicles)

      If you see a fire while out on the forest, CALL 911!  We rely on our wonderful visitors to serve as eyes and ears to help us identify and address problems immediately.

      Deer/Elk Bow Hunt 8/29-9/27 on the Dunn Forest

      The Deer/Elk Bow Hunt will be occurring on the Dunn Forest from 8/29-9/27, and again from 11/21-12/13.  Out of the 104 people who applied, 50 were randomly selected and received a letter in the mail allowing them to access the Dunn Forest for walk-in hunting.  Hunters may only use a bow to hunt buck deer or bull elk.  

      You may or may not see hunters while you are out on the Dunn Forest over the next month.  Here are some tips from the USDA Forest Service on hunting safety for hunters and other visitors.   

      Here is a map of the area where hunting is allowed, for your reference.

      CLICK HERE to learn more about hunts offered on the Dunn Forest. 

      Another Car Break-In

      Updated on: 08/04/2020 - 17:03


      Sadly, two more car break-ins were reported at Lewisburg Saddle on Friday, 7/24. Truly, our best advice is to leave your valuables at home. Carry your phone, wallet, and keys with you when you leave your vehicle.

      Before you leave the parking lot, consider photographing or videotaping the other cars and license plates present. This evidence may come in handy in an investigation. Additionally, your behavior could deter a thief lying in wait.

      Original Message:

      Another car break-in was reported in Peavy Arboretum Monday evening - following two similar incidents on 6/27 in the Arboretum Forest Parking lot and on 6/29 at Lewisburg Saddle.

      The best ways to avoid a "smash and grab" are to
      1) leave your valuables at home, 
      2) put them in your trunk BEFORE you arrive at your destination,
      3) take them with you when you leave your vehicle, and
      4) lock your doors and arm your car's security system.

      Don't just cover up your valuables with a jacket or blanket. Commonly stolen items include GPS devices, radios, bags and purses, phones, keys, wallets, and even loose change.

      From Benton County Sherrif's Office: Don't Be a Car Prowl Victim.

      Call BCSO if you see suspicious activity: 541-766-6858

      Posted 07/24/2020 Cougar Sighting on Dunn

      A cougar was spotted Monday morning on the Dunn 200 Road. Please keep cougar safety in mind when recreating on the McDonald and Dunn Forests. If you encounter a cougar:

      Report any cougar sightings or encounters to ODFW: (541) 757-4186

      Face Coverings Requirement Reminder

      Yesterday Governor Brown implemented additional COVID-19 safety precautions for the state of Oregon, including the requirement of face coverings in outdoor spaces where you may come within six feet of a person not from your household. These requirements have been and will remain in place on the OSU Research Forests. Please continue to observe these rules to slow the spread of COVID-19.

      Closure Near Alpha Trail Starting Tomorrow, 06/04/2020

      STLP Turkey Run Harvest Information
      Approximate Closure Duration:  Ongoing
      Closed Roads: 810 Rd, 811 Rd, 830 Rd, portions of 620 Rd, portions of 800 Rd (No Parking @ the 800 Gate)
      Closed Trails:  Alpha Trial
      Haul Routes: 800 Gate
      Size: 41 ac
      Harvest Method:  Cable logging
      Prescription:  Commercial thinning.
      Reason for Harvest:  Remove slow growing, diseased, and dying trees to allow continued growth of remaining conifers. 
      Stand Age:  41
      Additional Considerations: None.
      Consistent w/ Forest Plan? Yes

      View map of harvest area here.

      Trial Reopening Update

      Updated on: 06/02/2020 - 12:28

      We're nearly one month into our trial re-opening, and we're happy to announce that many of you are doing a great job adjusting to our new rules!

      How do we know this? The greeters you may have noticed and chatted with over the past few weeks are there to provide you with current information and to record observations of compliance with our COVID-19 rules.

      From this data, we've noticed an 80% average compliance rate. Ideally, we'd like to see a 90-100% compliance rate, so there is room for improvement.

      Help boost the compliance rate and keep the McDonald-Dunn open to recreation by adhering to the following rules while visiting:

      • Use a face-covering when encountering others on forest roads, trails, and parking areas
      • Maintain at least 6' of distance from others
      • Pick up and carry out your dog poop and trash
      • Leash your dog at parking areas, trailheads, and when encountering others on forest roads and trails

      Thank you for being such awesome visitors. Keep up the great work!

      OSU’s McDonald and Dunn Research Forests to reopen for recreational activities on May 8

      Updated on: 05/06/2020 - 07:05

      MAY 6, 2020 - UPDATE

      We are happy to announce the Oregon State University McDonald and Dunn Research Forests will be entering a trial reopening phase for recreational activities on Friday, May 8.

      Over the past several weeks, we’ve had numerous conversations about how and when to open the forests to recreation as federal, state, and OSU orders, directives and guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic change. The conversations have included forest-user groups like Team Dirt, Portland Parks and Recreation, and our Forest Recreation Advisory Council.

      As a result of these conversations, and Gov. Kate Brown’s decision on Tuesday regarding the partial re-opening of state recreation areas, the following guidelines and policies will be in place until further notice. 

      • The Research Forests are open on a trial basis to all recreation activities, beginning Friday, May 8.
      • Equitable access to the forests for recreation is paramount. All forest access points will be available from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.
      • Visitors are asked to comply with the following:
        • Practice social distancing measures by remaining at least six feet apart at all times.
        • Adhere to “Leave No Trace” measures by packing out trash and dog waste.
        • Keep dogs on a leash in forest parking lots, trailheads and when passing others on forest trails and roads.
        • Bring and wear a mask when encountering other users.
      • Forest trash and restroom facilities will remain closed until further notice.
      • Research Forests greeters will be stationed at research forests entry points that attract high volume visitor counts. Greeters will welcome visitors and remind forest-users of policies and guidelines.
      • Staff from the university, the College of Forestry and the Research Forests will continue to monitor forest usage and visitor compliance with reopening restrictions.
      • The Research Forests may be closed again if federal and state guidelines change or if visitor non-compliance occurs.

      We’d like to thank everyone who has shared comments and suggestions regarding our unique circumstances. We understand the closure has been difficult for many of you and we appreciate your compliance throughout the closure.

      Together, we have an opportunity to make this work and we look forward to seeing you back in the forests!