McDonald-Dunn Research Forest Planning Process

The OSU College of Forestry is developing a new management plan for the McDonald and Dunn Research Forests, which is anticipated to be ready for implementation in 2025. The new research forest plan will reflect the college’s diverse values, and will position the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest to be a model example of multiple value forest management. Management decisions and activities on the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest will be driven by research agendas, education and demonstration opportunities, and considerations of an inclusive balance of forest uses and values. The full intent of the research forests is described in the Vision, Mission, and Goals.

The plan is being crafted with input from diverse voices. Two committees, comprised of 23 individuals total, have been providing input throughout the planning process. One group, the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) is made up of individuals external to the university with representation from Tribal natural resource managers, state and local agencies, NGOs, private industry, and forest neighbors, and another group, the Faculty Planning Committee (FPC), has representation from 5 academic departments across OSU, providing expertise on all aspects of forest management. Members of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Faculty Planning Committee

Research forest staff are not members of the SAC or FPC, but are involved in discussions as needed, as technical resources. They serve in an ex-officio capacity.

The dean of the College of Forestry will make all final decisions regarding the new research forest management plan.

Once a plan has been adopted, a Research Forest Technical Advisory Committee will be formed. This committee will provide an avenue for research forest staff to seek guidance on various forest management issues that arise during the implementation of the new forest plan, review annual reports, consider exceptions to land allocation designations, and work with the dean to appoint additional committees and task forces as needed.

The process of developing the new management plan will involve opportunities for public input, including two Community Listening Sessions to gather information on aspirations and concerns of forest users early in the planning process, two Community Input Sessions to gather input on forest land allocation decisions late in the planning process, a webform through which written comments can be provided, and an email to which written questions can be sent. We usually respond within 14 days.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

  • Sept 16, 2024, 10am-noon, Faculty Planning Committee Meeting (open to the public to listen remotely through Zoom but not comment; video recording will be posted online after the meeting)
  • Sept 25, 2024, 1-4pm, Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting (open to the public to listen remotely through Zoom but not comment; video recording will be posted online after the meeting)

Past Meetings & Events

Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC): This committee engages a broad and diverse array of voices and perspectives in the planning process. The primary role of the SAC is to provide recommendations regarding the balance of forest uses, values and management practices and helps to ensure that broader stakeholder and public input is understood and reflected. SAC members are requested to share concerns and aspirations regarding the management of the forests to contribute to community expectations being understood by College of Forestry leaders and will be reflected in the alternative scenarios to be developed and evaluated during the management planning process. The SAC is not a decision-making body, but will work in tandem with the FPC to inform the development of a new management plan that will ultimately be reviewed and approved by the College of Forestry Executive Committee and Dean.

Faculty Planning Committee (FPC): This committee provides technical input related to the forest management plan. Members will help develop the new draft plan, independently assess modeled management scenarios, review various portions of the draft plan, help contribute to public input being evaluated and considered in the forest management planning process, and provide input on the implementation approach and communication strategies for long-term engagement and accountability.

Community Input and Listening Sessions

Planning Process Overview


Guiding principles throughout the plan development process

  • Maintain a focus on the three-pronged mission of college of Forestry research forests.
    ○ To create opportunities for education, research, and outreach to address the economic, social, and environmental values of current and future generations of Oregonians and beyond.
    ○ To demonstrate how an actively and sustainably managed forest fosters economic prosperity, biodiversity conservation, and resilience amidst disturbances and global change.
    ○ To support social and cultural values of forests, enhancing the wellbeing of local communities, Tribal communities, and our broader citizenship.
  • Thoroughly consider input from College of Forestry, other Oregon State University and agency partners, Tribal nations, neighbors of the research forests, and the general public.
  • Develop management alternatives, use modeling exercises to quantify tradeoffs associated with each alternative, and allow for public comment on these alternatives.
  • Provide transparency in decision-making.
  • Develop a plan that is adaptive in nature and can evolve as bioclimatic conditions and management issues and research focus change.

Public Engagement Overview

This process is built on the principle that informed stakeholders contribute to and advance meaningful partnerships. The broader community will have opportunities to provide input through several community listening sessions, provide written comments and questions through a webform and by email, and offer input regarding draft plan products.

The College of Forestry is committed to a public engagement process that is:

  • Meaningful: Input received will be considered in developing new plan content, implementation actions and outreach related to the Forest Management Plan.
  • Accountable: We will consider shared ideas, critique, comments and praise.
  • Inclusive: We will strive to communicate openly and clearly about the forest management plan and process with all stakeholders, including under-represented groups, in ways that people understand and can relate to.
  • Transparent: We will share information about the planning process in a variety of ways. We will publicly share and explain the plan and share background information that contributed to plan decisions.
  • Realistic: We will inform publicly the project’s constraints, scope and timeline, including requirements of the research forest and existing sideboards as described in the Vision, Mission, Goals of the research forests.
  • Outcome-oriented: We will create a community-involved and College adopted plan.


Draft material to be incorporated into the new forest plan.